
What's on the Needles...

I loved this color. I thought it would make a nice chunky scarf, but it appears to be taking a turn midway through as I attempt to create a sweater out of it. It's completely patternless, but I'm thinking it just might fit Maura! We'll see what my experiment brings...and if it doesn't work out? No harm done! I can pull it out and continue down the scarf road we started on!!



Holiday Warmth

It's all starting to happen....
Santa came to town this weekend...

They were hanging up lights in town...

We even watched the Christmas tree lighting...

There is just one catch..it's 65 today! Here in NJ! What gives? Ahh well, I'm not one to complain about warm weather!

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Thanksgiving Dress

I knew the day was fast approaching. We'd been working on Maura's room, and thus any sewing projects had long sat waiting for me...but the fabric was up there in my studio.

I'd bought it specifically for the occasion. There was a dress in a shop on Farnsworth Avenue that I fell in love with. It's simplicity was just delightful. I knew I could recreate the idea for Miss Maura. I promised myself she'd wear it for Thanksgiving.

The week blew by, and on Wednesday, I knew I had to take time to do it. After all, baby clothes don't take nearly as long as adult clothes do. So I sat down with my Thanksgiving fabric, and I made her this dress.

And she wore it on Thanksgiving, just as I had planned...

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Apple Pie

I met a girl in the supermarket I often see walking around town who confessed that she had no idea how to make a pie. She told me she'd made an apple pie once, but it was crunchy. I was floored. It's such a staple in my life I can't imagine not knowing how to make one! So if you are out there, and you don't know how to make one, I'm going to share the secrets....

I always start with the Perfect Pie Crust from Martha Stewart. It's incredibly easy to make in a food processor! There really is no need to buy a crust. Patrick likes to help make it, it's that easy!

Start by putting 2 1/2 cups of flour into your food processor. Chop up 2 sticks of cold butter (sometimes I actually use 1.5...it actually makes a denser crust you won't be disappointed with!) and put it into the flour and pulse. You'll have a coarse mixture now. Then, I slowly add ice water until the whole thing comes together into a ball of dough. It's THAT easy! I'm not even kidding! Chill it for an hour or so in your fridge.

Then there is the apple mixture. I use about 8-10 apples, peeled and cored. This time, it was Golden Delicious and a few Honey Crisp. I like a good mixture and I change it up often. Then I throw in a cup of sugar, a teaspoon of allspice, a teaspoon of nutmeg, and 1-2 teaspoons of cinnamon (depending on how cinnamon you like!) I mix it all up and put it into the rolled pie crust.

I then roll another pie crust out and cut it into strips with a pizza cutter. I begin laying strips parallel across the pie and create a lattice effect before rolling up the edges. Put it in the oven on 375 and bake it for an hour.

I promise, you won't be disappointed. Everyone will love your pie!




As the days grow shorter and the air grows colder, we still try to find amongst our day the routine walk. It wasn't so long ago we were at the playground in shorts and t-shirts, but oh how quickly that changes. The leaves are nearly all gone these days. They were late to go, but it happened fast. The grayness is taking over. We are in it for the long haul. But there are a few rays of sunshine. The few ginkgo trees we see around town have the most vibrant yellow leaves. They are glorious to behold. Their contrast against the sky is magnificent.

Soon, they too will be gray and the lights of the season of darkness will brighten our souls before the real cold of January folds into us. For now, we'll enjoy their splendor.

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Choo Choo Soul

"It's like he remembers something...it's in his soul!"

That's what the woman said to me while we visited Bordentown's Railroad Days this past weekend. That boy of mine has that love of trains and all. It's the beginning of a great season for him. There is something about the holidays and trains and he's every bit looking forward to it.

It doesn't matter what kind of train, as long as it runs on tracks, he's in love. Things were no different at the two train displays this past weekend. Patrick stood alongside of it, excited to see every last detail of the locomotives. He watched with a glow in his eye each time the train passed by his section of the track.

Watching him was more amazing to me. This isn't just a fad. He made me a believer this weekend. He's our little train man.

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In the few moments of spare time that I do have, I've been making. Sometimes, I feel like my projects are complete bombs, but I'm trying to constantly remind myself that there are some moments of clarity!

One of them was found the other day when I decided to finally make a memory game. And I'll be making more! I loved it so much! Picking out stamps...making the little pouches...they just came out perfect...don't you agree?

This one is for sale over at my etsy shop, along with a few other new fun things, like magnets for your fridge!



6 Months - Neurology Update

We made our 6 month pilgrimage to CHOP yesterday to see Maura's neurologist. Honestly, I wasn't sure what to expect. Maura is more than two months seizure free these days. She's thriving, really. So I was really curious to see what Dr. N would say to us. There were no EEGs or MRIs or anything special this time around; just a meeting with the doctor. She sat Maura on the exam table and watched her tracking, played with her grasping, felt out her tone...you know, all that stuff that neuro does. But there wasn't much that I could grasp as we talked about Maura's progress...She ran some numbers on her handy calculator to see where Maura was in terms of meds per kilogram and then we talked.

Maura is thriving. The meds are apparently doing their job, but her levels might be really low. We weaned her off phenobarbital a little over a month ago and saw no repercussions from it. In my mind, I was hoping we'd wean her off another. I guess I just got my hopes up that somehow, we could put this whole business of epilepsy and the NICU and medications behind us sooner rather than later. Now don't get me wrong, I never thought we'd just wean her off the Keppra and the Topamax together because that's just silly...and I suppose I kinda got what I was hoping for: The conversation steered towards a blood draw...to figure out where Maura's current levels stood...and maybe even talk about weaning her off Topamax if that particular level seemed very low...and that's another huge step!

So I pushed a bit farther. I asked where we move from there...if we wean her off this, then what about the Keppra...and I suppose I shouldn't have - for my own sake. My friends, we are talking a few years. YEARS. I don't think I really wanted to hear her say years. I wanted to hear her say "oh....a few months..."

I felt my heart sink at that.

There really would be no quick fix. No pulling her off and moving on by her first birthday....and while I know how far she's come, it was a gentle reminder of how far we've got to go.

As for those levels, I'll update in the next few days when we know more about whether or not we'll be starting another wean...for now, we continue on par for the course we're on. After all, it still seems to be working.

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On Milestones...however late they may be!

She's getting it, ever so slowly. Her dexterity is building. Her accuracy becoming more precise. Maura is grabbing for toys! I know, I know...it seems like such a meager little task, but at 6 months, she should have mastered this skill long ago. This is huge for her. It may take her some time, but she's getting where she needs to be!

In the meantime, she's happy to take that Sophie to her mouth and teeth until she falls fast fast asleep.



Looking Towards Our Future

Dear 2012 Presidential Candidates,

We are your future constituents and we are parents.

We are American mothers and fathers and grandparents and guardians. Our families might be the most diverse in the world. Blended and combined in endless permutations, we represent every major religion, political ideology and ethnic culture that exists. We are made from equal parts biology and choice. Our children come to us in every way possible—including fertility miracles, adoption, and remarriage.

Our very modern families embody the freedom that defines America. We embody America. We are rich in diversity, but we are united in our family values. We come together today, with one voice, to express our grave disappointment in the national political discourse.

The 2012 countdown has barely begun and we are already being bombarded with the warmed-over, hypocritical rhetoric of 2008. We are living in a time where 15.1% of Americans now live in poverty, the unemployment rate stands at 16%, and we are spending close to $170 billion annually between the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan*.

Given the current state of affairs we would expect every candidate to focus on the issues that truly matter: job creation, debt-relief, taxes, education, poverty, and ending the war(s). Instead, it is already clear to us that the conversation has been hijacked, with the goal of further polarizing our nation into a politically motivated and falsely created class-war.

We will not stand for another campaign year in which politicians presume to know what our family values are as they relate to the nation.

To be clear, here are our family values:

Affordable health care, including family planning, for all Americans. We will not tolerate any candidate using the shield of “Choice” to blind us from the issues that really matter. When funding is stripped from organizations like Planned Parenthood, access to sliding-scale health care (including yearly pap smears & mammograms), comprehensive sex education, and family planning is blocked from the poorest of the population.

Access to education, and the ability to actually use it. We want quality, affordable, federally-funded pre-K programs made available in every State, in order to provide an even starting point for all children enrolled in public schools— regardless of the wealth of the district or town they live in.

A reinstatement of regulations for banks issuing mortgages and full prosecution for those who engaged in fraudulent lending practices. We want full accountability —investigation, indictment and prosecution— of those individuals and institutions who engaged in fraudulent lending practices and who helped create the massive foreclosures that left many families homeless or struggling to keep their homes.

A return of strict environmental regulations protecting water, air, food, and land that were removed in the last two decades. We want our children to grow up in a world not weighed down by the strains of pollution and global warming. Between BPA in our products, sky-rocketing rates of asthma in kids, questionable hormones in our over-processed food, and more, we need leaders who will put our needs and safety over the desires and profits of large corporations.

Family planning, healthcare, education, economic solvency and environmental safety: these are our national family values.

Candidates who demonstrate the ability to understand the gravity of these issues, and their impact on our families, and who can provide actual, viable solutions to these problems will garner our support and our votes.

We believe in this democratic system of ours, and we will continue to use our voices and our votes to see that it reaches its fullest potential.


Your future constituents,

The mothers & fathers of America


Pinteresting Cat Cookies!

So I'm pretty sure most of you have discovered Pinterest by now, but in case you haven't, you must! It's so much fun! I've been doing a lot of cooking via Pinterest. It's good because a year ago, I was so not into food in the midst of first trimester lack of appetite that I feel like we didn't eat chicken for months! But Pinterest...oh Pinterest! It has so many many delicious choices! And crafts! It's quite addicting, I must say!!

I found this neat little cat cookie recipe and thought I'd give it a whirl for a Halloween party we were venturing to.

I thought I would be slick, and turn them into icebox/slice the roll cookies...but I didn't slice em thin enough, and before I knew it, all of my cats were running into each other in the oven! They were fine, but they didn't quite look like the picture...

So I decided to follow directions...and I'm not sure what was worse...the cookies running into each other or the eyes (candy corn) running off the cookie!!

None the less, a quick fix of cutting off some melted candy corns and replacing them with new and before you know it, they were cute little cats! I'm definitely keeping this dough recipe. It really was great. It reminded me of my aunt's old chocolate pixie cookie recipe from her cookbook. I dunno if I'll do cats again though.

What Pinteresting things are you doing lately?



A Parade Moment

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. Thank you Amanda for your weekly inspiration!



M I C - K E Y

{come on! sing with me! }

Mouse - Mickey Mouse! Mickey Mouse! Yep, Patrick was good old Mickey Mouse for Halloween. He really got it this year....the whole dressing up, "taking out" Halloween (decorating!), trick or treating, Thompson Street...he GOT it! Of course, this made it all that much more fun!

Normally we are a pretty themed family. In fact, when Patrick was just one, Joe and I dressed as Mickey and Minnie and Patrick was Pluto! But alas, he is now a strong willed 3 year old who told me just what he was going to be.

I tried so hard. I wanted him to be a pirate! After all, Maura was a mermaid, and Patrick could just be a pirate! We could all be pirates! But that wasn't to be. He insisted on Mickey! So...I made him some Mickey shorts, and found Joe's old ears that I made when Patrick was one, and got him some Minnie Dress Up Gloves, and look at that...he's a real, genuine Mickey Mouse!

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6 Months Today!

Well hello there, 6 months! I hardly saw you coming!

Did you know that November is Epilepsy Awareness Month? It is...and of course, this year we are more aware than ever. Maura met two months seizure free on Halloween. It feels good! But I still wonder if one is lurking in the shadows - a relapse - and I hope never again.

So 6 months! Yeah! 6 months ago today, they told me I was having my baby. She (she!) was coming out of me. Her eviction notice being processed. A half a year ago! Where did the time go?

It's been a long six months. Between biweekly physical therapy appointments to help Maura catch up to her peers, to neurology appointments at CHOP, we've been busy!!! And where did all of this land us? Well..there are two meds standing - Keppra and Topamax. While I try to convince myself that she can come off them, I'm curious to see what Neurology has to say about everything in the coming week. Maura is behind developmentally. We knew she would be. It's really no surprise. I mean, really...she spent the first 6 weeks of her life sleeping more than she ever did in utero. Muchless while being drugged up and connected to too many wires to count, of course it will keep you down! But she's ever so slowly catching up. She loves to bear weight on her feet. She gets this proud little look on her face when she does it, it's so cute! She's not rolling. And only just last week did she giggle for the first time. Getting giggles ever since has been like pulling teeth. It's like she needs extra stimulation to do it! She's just a laid back gal! Her head control has gotten astronomically better in a month. She's tracking very well. She's actually starting to swat at toys and she'll take a toy from you if you put it in her hand and bring it to her mouth. While these seem like tiny milestones to some, they are huge for us. They've taken us a long time to get to! Maura is a talked too! She squeals and chatters all the time...nothing definitive, but I had no idea she'd be such a "talker"! She'll get there, slowly but surely.

In the meantime, please keep those less fortunate than us in your thoughts and prayers this month. Feel free to donate to the Epilepsy Foundation. This disease is a complex beast. The doctors don't know all that much about it, but they know hot to trigger certain types and how to control a lot of the seizures . Some folks aren't as lucky as we are. Some folks are dealing with seizures all the time, even with meds. Hopefully one day, nobody will have to sit in the NICU for 35 days wondering if they'll ever get to take their baby home as they wait for these young seizures to stop. Someday they'll know how to stop them - for good.

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The Earliest Snow I Can Remember

Over the weekend, we found ourselves cozied up in our house awaiting the impending snowstorm - in October! The idea of it was all very novel, but if it's a sign of the winter to come, I say send it back!

None the less, it was very pretty. When we awoke on Sunday, a very excited little three year old was just bursting out of his skin with excitement. "Let's go see the snow!" he proclaimed!

Knowing that it wouldn't last very long, and it didn't, we got dressed and ventured out.

The leaves under foot mingled with the melting snow. The leaves overhead were nearly a translucent yellow.

It was such an odd little treat to see this snow take over, on a day when we haven't even raked the leaves in our tiny little yard at all!

It's all gone now...but I foresee impending winter is in our midst!


© 2003 - 2010 Caroline Conroy. Please do not steal!