
I Hate My Neighbor

So I went to head out in my car today, only to pass by my coveted fern garden that I slaved over last summer. Ferns? Where? Not a single fern was to be found. I panicked. Every last one had been pulled out. Apparently, my idiot neighbor has pulled every fern out. He thought they were WEEDS! What kind of neanderthal thinks that ferns are WEEDS?! Apparently my neighbor! I give up..so much for fern gardens...



The Duo!

Last night, we went to see the Duo at The Stone Pony. Now, mind you, I've got my good days and bad days, but yesterday was just one of those spectacularly good days! I felt GREAT! Everyone thought I was a rockstar because I managed to trudge through it til the end still dancing away! It was a ton of fun...makes for good Vibes practice! Unfortunately, with 7 months pregnancy, comes weird looks from freaky people LOL! One guy in the front row, just in front of me, couldn't help but turn around to stare at me. Thank goodness Maris came to the rescue! I don't know what I'd do without her!



Little Outfits for a Little Someone...

I've finally had the opportunity to start crafting now that summer has begun...or should I say, the energy! I had a few projects that needed to get a moving, as they were a little behind!! Over in JG land, we had a new mama swap. My swap mama sent me her goodies before her little one was born, but I didn't get back to her until yesterday, when I ran off to the post office with a sweet smelling box of Mother's Milk Tea, Momma Soap, and these adorable organic onesies..I was smart, I bought 3-6 months! None of this newborn business! Good thing too! Apparently the little man is just out of his newborn clothes, so these will be perfect!




Uh oh!

I just spent 30 dollars on the cheapest DVD player imaginable for the purple room..soon enough, I'm NEVER going to want to come out of there and I can sew ALL THE TIME!



The List

Ticking Fabric ---Check!
Linen for Skirt ---Check!
Outdoor Fabric for Cushions ---Check!

Just one more half day until I'm free to create! I can't wait to sleep in and wake up to a leisurely morning lounging and Katie snuggles!

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RIP Billy Briggs...thanks for all the good times at Tir Na Nog!

May you see God's light on the path ahead
When the road you walk is dark.
May you always hear,
Even in your hour of sorrow,
The gentle singing of the lark.
When times are hard may hardness
Never turn your heart to stone,
May you always remember
when the shadows fall-
You do not walk alone.

Months ago, Joe helped me move all my sewing room up to the attic to make space for baby. Of course, he thought that maybe after the baby was born, I'd have time to rearrange and put together some assemblance of order. What?! After the baby?! It was done a week later! Finding the time to be creative is another story! Fortunately, the time is fast approaching! Some time this week, I'll make a stop at Joanns for some choice fabrics. I've got a baby quilt to finish, a mei tei to make, possibly a linen skirt, and maybe even play with my Built By Wendy knits book! I can hardly wait to get started!


5 More Days!

That's right kids! Just five more days until I'm free for the summer! Actually, I'm free until FEBRUARY! Of course, much of that time will be taken up by a little Conroy ;)

I can't wait, I feel like the only time I've got right now is the weekends when I can breathe and actually get things done.

Poor Joe, yesterday I asked him to help me fold laundry. Before he knew it, we were taking over the laundry room by storm, cleaning every nook and cranny, making the whole place absolutely immaculate! I think the nesting business has decided to set in! I'm not sure we've seen the laundry room so clean since we moved in nearly 5 years ago!!

Alas, the summer will leave me with many projects. Of course, pregnancy can't stop me from my annual big summer project. This year, I'm really gonna paint our bedroom a lighter shade of sage. We also have the baby's room to finish. Not to mention the various baby projects, like the baby quilt that I started months ago or the baby carrier that I've got fabric waiting for. It's going to be a great summer! By the end, the Conroys will number THREE!

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A Bump in the Road

You know how they say "No News is Good News"? Well, it isn't ALWAYS true..I'm down to two week appointments at the OB. Two weeks ago, I had taken the dreaded inaccurate Glucose Tolerance Test. I was mortified of this test because I've got a horrible sweet tooth. I figured since they didn't call, I had passed!

Well, I went yesterday again. I wasn't so lucky. They expect me to pass the 3 hour (yes, THREE HOUR) GTT because I was only borderline, so it becomes more of an annoyance than anything else. I am taking off Tuesday to do this. I get to sit in the uncomfortable lab waiting room for 3 hours and have my blood drawn a total of 4 times! ugh!

Keep me in your thoughts..I'm hoping to pass. We've gotten through this bump free so far..I'd hate to start now..come on! It's ICE CREAM season!



Berry Time!

Joe and I went Strawberry pickin' today with Diana and Barbara. The weather was spectacular. The fields were ripe. The berries were sweet!! We'll be makin a pie in a little while and we've already had some smoooothies! I almost didn't go. The thought of bending over and getting up and down so often was NOT very appealing to me with the imposing tum! I managed fine though! It was obvious that I didn't have quite as many berries as everyone else, but then again, that's allowed when you are nearly 7 months pregnant!

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