
It Moves!

Well, the baby HAS been moving..for quite some time..and here we are at 26 weeks flat..less than 100 days to go now, and Joe only felt the baby move for the first time on Sunday. For weeks now, he's been trying. I'd feel it move, put my hand on it, feel it again (from both outside AND in), and tell him to hurry before the baby goes back to sleep. He'd send a calming vibes into the belly, and the baby would go right back to sleep!

Well, Sunday evening, we were watching TV, and the kicks have moved north, towards the placenta a bit, so they are more muffled for me, but I told him to try..I said TALK to the baby!

"Kick little one!" *bump*

"Kick!" *bump*bump*

There it was! Joe was feeling the baby kick, and on command at that! So of course, we've got a new game going on. Last night, he was talking to the baby, and it was kicking his hand yet again!

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