
And so it is..

This time of year is ever so bittersweet. I hate that the night is coming on faster and the sun is setting quicker. I frown when I see that it's merely 8 oclock and it's already getting dark! As I watch little patches of leaves change, I think of my mother, on the beach, in August, who always proclaimed that those few patches were always the first sign of fall. The nights are cooler and July has certainly left us behind. God how I miss it already!

On the same behalf, I'm eager to get back into my classroom to teach. I've been in twice now. The classroom has a particular smell about it..it just reminds me of fall. It made me miss teaching! We've got piles of school stuff here, whether it be our back to school purchases or our old textbooks, we are ready to get going.

Hopefully, this year will be full of good things. By October, I'm sure I won't mind so much with the impending street fairs and cool evenings by the firepit For now, I'll smile at my classroom and frown at the changes of the season!

© 2003 - 2010 Caroline Conroy. Please do not steal!