
Liked Minded Educators

So I went to my first workshop today in my new district. I went in part because I wanted to see how they taught writing in the district and if I would be on the right track with my previous experience and also to learn something new. I have a lot of experience in writing, between Joe and The National Writing Project and all of the LA workshops I've been to, but I figured I'd also get to meet new people that I would be working with.

What a rewarding experience. I feel that I am finally in the company of likeminded individuals who are willing to research and help others where necessary. I can already see that many of my Catholic School frustrations will be no longer in that I will have the resources that I need to teach what I need to. Books are available to coincide with various writing craft lessons, teachers are willing to share and learn, and the supervisor is there to give you scaffolding when you need it.

I felt reassured that everything that I have been working on or dabbled in in my classroom has been on the right track. Often, in Catholic School, where the curriculum can be very vague, you wonder "Am I on the right track?" You do what you think is right and life goes on, often without any supervisory support or guidance. My research and practice have paid off. I am certainly on the right track.

I got lucky. I got into a great district. I can already see that this is going to be a good space for me and I feel refreshed already!


Rain Rain Go Away

On Saturday, we headed into NYC with one of our local friends who lives in the city during the week. Her girlfriend is a chef at a great Village restaurant called Gusto, where we ate like kings yesterday. There really truly is nothing like Crepes filled with Nutella and Focaccia with eggs and pancetta. After hours of eatting and drinking, we headed off to catch the pride parade in a drizzle. It seems as if it's been raining for days now.

Is this the summer ahead of me? Where is the sunshine to bask in, I need to get a tan! Ahh well..hopefully it will clear up soon!


What works?

The job market is crazy. I talked to a friend who knows a principal in Pemberton, a NJ Abbott district not too far away who said she had 269 applications for one job opening from January through June. How is it that so many people can be out of work in New Jersey? It really is an insane thought to think that this all resides just in education alone. So in landing a job, I often ask myself, 'What was it? What was the secret ingredient in my interview?' I may never know the true reasons, but of course, I can speculate many an interesting thought.

I've gone to my new school for several events recently. I've gotten to talk to my principal on a more casual level. I've met the team of teachers I'll be working with. And I've seen my classroom.

When I look at everything all together, I realize that there truly is a "right match" for teachers and I honestly think I've found it. I loved my old school, at least until all hell broke lose (and I mean that literally) after the merger and it literally started to crumble around me. Even though I loved it, I had quite a few gripes that I tried to address this year. Some, I was successful, while others left me continually frustrated.

I wanted grade level collaboration. By moving to middle school, I got that.

Technology is important to me. Although I saw a great improvement this year, I often felt like we were being left a step behind as promises fell through, like cable in the classroom and the scanner that sat in the back of my room all year and collected dust because I did not have the administrative rights to install it and the IT person never bothered no matter how many times I asked!

My new school is amazing. I'll be working with something like 12 fellow 5th grade teachers. They use Apple technology. Most, if not all of the classroom have ACTIVboards. I should be getting a laptop if my activboard stays where it is right now. We share laptop labs between four teachers for the students. It really is amazing.

My principal is approachable, something that I thought I would have to sacrifice by going to public school. I feel like I can really talk to him about my needs, concerns, joys, etc. He is down to earth, someone I can truly relate to education wise as we've both travelled similar paths.

So in the end, I think I've made the right decision. Although summer has just begun, I can't wait to begin in the fall. Now I've just got to restrain myself enough to totally live up the summer the way that I need to!!


Going Out in Glory

So I'm not one much for goodbyes. In a small community, it is very difficult to just say goodbye. I've told the people who are near and dear to me that I got the job I wanted, but many folks, even faculty do not know. I have no intention of breaking it out there. My principal and vice principal (yeah the one who gave me hell, but the two of them were both canned in the end and I really LOVE my principal) both know about the job.

So anyway, many folks think I'm coming back and those who know are keeping it hush hush. Last week, we had a farewell dinner for my principal. We all chipped in money for dinner and a gift. It turned out that she was given a ceramic teapot..after 17 years..and the one in charge of the whole organization of the gift left the measly 37 dollar price tag on the teapot. Well, several of us questioned the whole affair and the numbers did not match up. Knowing I was leaving, I was nominated (and OK with) confronting the person in charge.

I lost much sleep last night, knowing I would be walking into the morning meeting only to confront her professionally. She was very defensive about the whole thing, and gave us a breakdown of the monies, where we later went back and did the math and it still came up over $100 short! I didn't push the issue, my goal was just to make it clear that many of us were concerned and had questions.

Within an hour, people were coming up to me, asking if they could donate money to a "pot" that would be given to my principal. Our end of the year dinner was tonight, and by that time, I had been given over $400 and 3 dozen roses to present to my principal. I was nominated to give the gift. Everyone was there, including the two individuals who were involved in the first gift. I stood up, put my glory aside, and presented my principal with this gift. She broke down, she was totally hysterical. I whispered in her ear that I didn't organize it, but many thought that this was right and wanted to give and it all just fell into place. It just happened..it was a beautiful thing.

So, I can't really explain what I'm feeling right now. I feel humbled that I can put the glory of my new job aside to be a part of wishing my principal all the best, sending her out in style, and having the honor of giving her the last gift. I feel at closure with the school, ready to walk away tomorrow smiling.

The clincher of it all? One of the aids that doesn't know I'm leaving said "God help you next year, I'll pray for you!" I just looked at her, smiled, and said "I'll be JUST fine!" That was it..nothing more to say, nothing more to do. I can walk away at peace...


A Nice Place to Work

So a few months ago, I had mentioned that things were troubling me that I couldn't really talk about here. I guess it's OK now. It's pretty official. My school is falling apart, to say the very least. In March, I sent out nearly 100 resumes in an attempt to aggressively find a new job. I realized quickly that many of the rules had changed to my disadvantage due to President Bush's feeble attempt to clean up education with NCLB. "Well do you have your intermediate certifcation?" they'd all say to me. What was this cert?! It didn't even EXIST five years ago! All it really amounts to is a test (90 bucks to the ETS), 270 bucks to the state, and a smile and a handshake and whala! I'm certified! Yeah, tell me it isn't about money...and I'll tell you you're crazy! So anyway, I kept at it..and today, I landed a great job, in a great school district. Finally, five years a-coming, and I have a public school job.

I'm excited to start my summer just knowing that I've got something lined up for next year. It is bittersweet in itself, however. I've made a great new friend at work this year, and I'll be leaving her behind. At least it gives us an excuse to hang out more outside of work. I'm not giving my notice until after school gets out, at the very least!

I hate goodbyes. Although this goodbye comes with an insane raise, it is still difficult for me to have to walk away, muchless think about saying goodbye to my kids wishing them a happy summer. At least I don't have to say goodbye, although that pangs me with guilt. I'll be back to visit, I tell myself now. But for the time being, there are great things in my future!

© 2003 - 2010 Caroline Conroy. Please do not steal!