
The Mound..

Bring your old shoes to Coventry..anything you can find..

Last set of the last night..pass your shoes towards the stage..

We are making a mound..a thousand barefoot children dancing on their lawn..taking care of our shoes..

God, the day after sucks too...


It's over..

After all this time..10 years..nearly 100 shows..its just over, just like that..December 28th, 2004 would have been my 10 year anniversary..

Phish announced today that Coventry will be the last show....


What a somber day it is...



Banana Rats and Iguanas..Prisoners of War..and my friend Ty. It's been looking for a few months..and it's been a rocky road..weekends here have been spent hosting his wife (and my dear friend) Elise and their kids..with the yearning for just one more conversation before he was shipped off for a year. Ty left yesterday..and as of last Saturday, he seemed in good spirits..The year to come will be difficult for Elise and I can't express how much I care for her and want to be there for her.

Please keep all the troops in your thoughts and prayers..they need it as much as possible.



Well, I'm sick..Wouldn't it just be the weekend of the Street Fair and the grand old chest cold finally wore my body down enough to make me ill. I feel like crap and I can't take off tomorrow because I get observed on Tuesday and I can't throw tomorrows math lesson to a substitute and have to clean it up while I get observed on Tuesday. Why now? Out of all days! Send me well vibes, I'm going to need them!!



So since Phish has returned from hiatus, we've really just gotten shafted. I think we've gotten like two shows out of everything we've ordered. We've never outright gotten everything. Before hiatus, and even during hiatus with Trey, mail order always treated me very well. I sat 2nd row for Trey in Camden two summers ago. Then the last summer and fall of Phish prehiatus, I had ALL pavillion seats. It even got to the point where the mail order guys and I were exchanging little notes about my dolls! I have a Fed Ex envelope addressed to "Caroline 'Esther' Carrillo". I shit you not! It was a nice commodity..then it crashed after they came back. I gave up hope. The last mail order, I waited til the last day..this one, I didn't even bother..I let my husband do it without looking over his shoulder making sure it was all done right. I just let it slide..and what happens?? We get everything we are asking for...so this summer, I'll see you, at my HUNDREDTH show :)



Do you ever feel like you need some kind of inspirational recharge? Like all of your creativity has just flown the coup and you don't know what to do about it because it *is* your love? That's how I'm feeling lately. I love to sew and make clothes. I put my heart and soul into it and I have been for years! I've been making clothes for ten years now. It really is a long time, and in that time, I've come a super long way. I recently did a festival with a very good friend of mine, and a great stitcher. I felt kinda let down by the fact that patchwork just didn't seem to be selling. Why is that? Is it going out of style? Is it just that some people want to get stuff from just three or four stitchers? I wish I knew what the deal was. I did recently find some new inspiration in a different direction tho :) I read Jennifer Chiaverini's The Quilters Apprentice, and I found myself yearning to try quilting. So, I started a Lonestar..no serger, just my machine..plenty of patience..and much appreciation for quilters in general. Patchwork clothes are so much easier than even piecing a simple lonestar quilt. I'm not very far, but I'm getting there and if it takes me all summer, I'm going to finish my lonestar. In the meantime, I might make some clothes too. Lord knows, I need to breath! Just poking under rocks to find some inspiration tis all!

© 2003 - 2010 Caroline Conroy. Please do not steal!