
Bye Bye Studio! Hello Purple Room!

Well, break is just about over..what do I have left? A mere few hours? It's alright, I suppose. Joe and I made good progress over the week. Although he had a stiff neck that required a trip to the doctor, he managed to help me move the larger things out of the baby's room and into the purple room. In his words, "Maybe you'll have time to set it up when you are home with the baby..." Yeah right! I have every intention of working up there as soon as possible!! After I painted the window ledges and installed the new blinds in the baby's room, I took to the attic, setting up my new sewing area, which will be shared with the likes of Joe's nostalgic video games, the exercise bike, and reading nook that we've so lovingly crafted. It really didn't take me long to do. Unfortunately, my body tells me when to slow down before my brain does these days. Noone ever mentioned how gingerly you'd find yourself moving while pregnant. I swear, I'm carrying a watermelon and I'm not even half way there yet!

I'm hoping this move to the purple room will find me new inspiration. I did head up there today with the notion that I'd be starting on a Waldorf Doll, only to find that my doll fabric isn't exactly what I wanted for this project and I've got to wait until I get some material more befitting of the doll. At least I got the head started!

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RIP Butterball

When she landed on our porch nearly 7 years, never did I think Joe and I would be posed with the tough choice of doing what was right for her. Butterball may have been a fiesty cat, but everyone who came into our house loved her. To Lori, she was the Big Mama Cat. She was sweet and affectionate to everyone who stopped by.

When we got her, she was aging. We never quite knew exactly how old she was. Even last summer's emergency trip to the vet for her teeth couldn't confirm an average age, except confirming that she was indeed "old".

Over the past year, she got worse. Her litterbox habits involved flooding, and eventually not using it at all. She was so matted, her fur looked like felt, and recently, she even ruined her basket by peeing in it. Joe and I decided that it was time.

For someone who has never really lost a pet before, I have to commend Joe. He was the one who took her to the vet. He held her through the whole process. He watched her go peacefully. It's really an honorable task. It's also something that I've never done, regardless of the fact that I've lost two dogs that were near and dear. Thank god for my mom who took one of them to be put down when he could no longer walk.

I hope Butterball is at peace now.

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It's here! Finally, it's here! And without too much winter to bear this year. I'm rather hoping that summer comes just as quick! With Spring, we find ourselves playing catch up. Life has this tendency of taking over, and before you know it, you are well behind! My car is in the shop today, tomorrow I had a dreaded dentist appointment (aren't they all?) and then, on Tuesday, an OB appointment!! Joe is quite excited to go with me this time to hear the heartbeat!

Other than that, we've got some stuff to move out of the babies room, and perhaps some gardening (as the spring beauties are already starting to come out! A glorious week ahead!



Changing Bodies

So noone ever tells you certain things about pregnancy. Alas, I'm here to give away these secrets to you! I'm sure you all knew about the episiotomies, where the thought of stitches in your hooha just makes me cringe...but did they ever mention all the aches and cramps? I swear, I was convinced that I'd be cramp free for 9 months! What a glorious thing! Boy was I wrong! It seems that every day is something new. I think Baby Conroy has been going through a growth spurt for the past two weeks that finally seemed to subside over the weekend. I swear, if I had been spotting, I might have been concerned for the big scary "M" word..but alas, I wasn't spotting, and apparently, this stuff is completely normal!

Other than that, I THINK the horrible M/S may actually be disappearing, but the last time I willed it away, it came back to get me with a vengeance! Hopefully this is it..then again, not everyday is always going to be perfect!


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