
Mason Jar Jack-o-Lanterns!

I posted a picture of these jack-o-lanterns yesterday and thought I'd share how I made them!

Have I mentioned my absolute love of all things mason jars? I'm not sure there is a room in this house where you won't find one for some use or another!

These particular jars are painted from the inside with glass acrylic paint, found at your neighborhood craft store. You have to "bake" it to set it, and it's totally fine since these jars tolerate heat so well! When you are done painting the outside, use black paint on the outside to paint your jack-o-lantern faces! They make GREAT luminaries, just leave the seal top off and screw on the rim. They hold votive candles nicely and give a great glow just in time for Halloween!

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Feeling Fall

Feeling a bit festive around here! Even if the weather still wants to pretend it's summer, I'm going to remind myself that it's really autumn!

Some spiders...

and jack-o-lanterns...

maybe some fall leaves...

and even mums and pumpkins!



An Early Fall Moment

Inspired by the ever amazing Amanda Soule...Just a moment from our week..a moment to cherish always...do you have any special moments this week?




"If only I knew your name and address, I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils!"

Just a quote from my favorite movie. Welcome Autumn! As I find myself back in the grind, I am also reminded that relief is not that far off...Things are quite busy right here getting into the routine of school, but I promise to return in a day or two with some fun stuff (and maybe even some updated studio pictures!)

PS Can you guess the movie? ;)



A Cooking Moment

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see. Inspired by the ever beautiful Amanda Soule (now with house!).



The Blogs of My Life

A coworker asked me today what blogs I read. She asked me to pass on some fun ones, so I've gathered my blogroll here to share with all of you! Every day, I spend a bunch of time at night after my bean goes to sleep, or at school when I've got some down time just reading blogs.

I wanted to take a minute to share some with you. I'm not sure if anyone is REALLY out there...so if you've got tips on increasing my traffic here, bring it on! I'm stumped! None the less, these are the ones I follow regularly..and not in any particular order...

wise craft

Cicade Daydream


Little Home Blessings



Root and Flower

Patchwork Pottery

Sea Kettle Diaries

Posie Gets Cosy


Beauty That Moves

Sew Liberated

Betz White

Pomegranate Chronicles

Bird and Little Bird

Anna Marie Horner

Heather Bailey

House on Hill Road

Angry Chicken

Maya Made

Soule Mama

I'd love to hear others you might want me to check out! Share them!

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Studio 2.0

When we first got married, Joe always said he wanted to paint a room purple someday. So as soon as we moved into our house, it seemed that the purple room was a priority right from the start. It's been this way for 7 years. Don't get me wrong...I love inviting people into my attic to see a purple room by surprise, but it's also quite dark.

Of course, when Patrick was born, I was moved from my studio space, now his room, to the attic.

Ever since, I've been trying to find my groove. You see, previously, it was rather my playroom along with Joe's. There were video games up there, and wacky seats and lights...and it fit well, but now with my studio space, it doesn't work nearly as well.

I'm not sure I want to say goodbye to purple, but I definitely feel like I need some new adult studio furniture up there. See that chair? It's new. It's the first time I've ever had a real office type chair to sew. I've been sewing for so many years, I can't believe it took me this long! More than 15 years!

I've been scouring Ikea's website, thanks to inspiration from Alicia Paulson and Amanda Soule, perhaps I'll have new space to show you soon!



That Boy of Mine!

He does love his trains..so much that he'll wait patiently at the station, declaring "choo choo!" at every chance he gets.

He stares at the tracks, waiting...


that his train will come soon...

He would play trains all day long if I let him...

so why not go on a few real ones as well?



An Early Fall Moment

Just a moment from our week...a moment to savor always...inspired by the amazing Amanda Soule...

What is your special moment this week? Have a great weekend!



Labor Day

Summer seems to have snuck away on us again when we weren't looking! Why, we were at the lake....

for one last relaxing swim on Labor Day.

reading books on the beach, ignoring the impending autumn...

The days are still warm, and the nights are growing cooler...the sun is setting earlier...school has started...but we can still savor the last bits of summer, can't we?



Joe likes to make me breakfast. There have been countless times this summer that he's gotten to the kitchen to make a nice batch of pancakes for all of us..so on Saturday, our last Saturday before school, I decided to make him something special. I was inspired by Erin, over at House on Hill Road, when she made her raspberry scones! I decided to give the recipe a whirl. They were a huge hit! Joe really enjoyed them, and I'm glad..afterall, I might not make the best pancakes, but I can still make special breakfast for him!




School starts on Tuesday. So does the packing of my lunch, the packing of Patrick's lunch, the cloth diaper packing...all of it! But I'm happy to say that in four years, I've never bought school lunch. I bring my own every day! So I've always got a great lunchbox for school, but this year, I took to making my own!

I found this great tutorial over at The Long Thread and knew immediately that this was what I wanted!

I headed over to Heather Bailey's store with an idea in mind. Afterall, she sells laminated fabric! I altered the pattern a bit simply because I know I always bring in some kind of plastic ware with me...and I couldn't seem to find the magnetic button I had stashed somewhere..so I used wooden buttons instead.

I'm so pleased with how it came out! Lunch is going to be pretty this year!



A Chicken Moment!

Happy Friday! Here to share this moment! A very special moment, to be treasured always..Inspired by Amanda Soule. What magic has crossed your path this week?


© 2003 - 2010 Caroline Conroy. Please do not steal!