
A Gardening Moment

Inspired by Amanda Soule, just a moment from our day, no words, just a photograph(or two!).



A Little of This, A Little of That

Bet you didn't know I dabbled in woodwork, did ya!? Now don't get too excited. I know my way around the saw and other tools, but that's pretty much it. I don't do anything fancy. That said, I took my dumping to Home Depot this weekend to pick up some wood for a project just for him! Can you guess what it might be?

In the meantime, I also headed off to the fabric store today to pick up some outdoor canvas. Our cushions are in need of replacement and considering it was on sale, I could hardly resist! As I pondered all of the different prints (where were they five years ago?), I thought to myself, something earthy yet bold... I decided on the bold flower print in the earthy colors. I started this project tonight, but the lighting just wasn't happening to show you what I've done, so that will have to wait until perhaps tomorrow!




Last week was a rough one. Patrick came down with some kind of stomach bug, leaving Joe and I to do some flipflopping business on Friday. I got pulled over on the way to work, and after not getting much sleep, I turned on the tears and cried myself out of a speeding ticket. I don't usually speed there either. I was just in such a rush and I now take it as a gentle reminder that life is short, slow it down! I hoped when I came home that my weekend would just get better. I mean, with a view like this ahead of us, how could it not?

Well who knew this would be one of only two pictures I took all week long. My stomach started to ache early Saturday morning, but I just brushed it off and went on with our day..only to find myself nearly keeling over a few hours later thinking death was eminent! Thankfully, my wonderful husband was there to rescue me from the toddler who just wanted to climb all over me in my state of disrepair. He even made the toddler dinner!

Thankfully, by Sunday, I was feeling much better, although robbed of my weekend..now, just five more days...

The other shot? Oh? This was a quick sneaky one...I was too bashful to ask to take a picture of all the beautiful Matroiska dolls!



A Moment in the Sink

Inspired by Amanda Soule, just a moment from our day, no words, just a photograph.



I mentioned a few days ago in the comments that I had other plans for my Happy Garden Fabrics. I got busy over the weekend to make them come to fruition. As a teacher, I bring lunch with me to school on a daily basis. I've been lazy! I often use plastic silverware, and while I do save it and use it several days, it gets lost, misplaced, and I find myself scrounging for new ones.

No more! I'm going green by bringing my own silverware EVERY SINGLE DAY. I've made something to carry it in as well! It fits nicely into my lunchbox and I truly enjoy taking it out every day! I'm sure feeling good about my decision doesn't hurt either.

I know Betz White shared a video from the DIY Dish just recently. They asked how you were going green for Earth Day. How are YOU making better decisions?




Sometimes it's so easy to get wrapped up in the humdrum of life taking hold each weekend. With teaching, Joe and I often find ourselves amazingly exhausted during the week, especially after much needed playtime with Patrick as every minute from 3:30 until bedtime is dedicated to him and dinner in between. This leaves the weekends for catching up, cleaning up, and doing laundry. We've done a few things to make our lives easier, like streamlining "lunch making" for Patrick to having a 4 week menu, but that still leaves absolute to do things on weekends. In between, we try to find some time to live, especially now that it's getting warmer.

This weekend found us gazing at some fun antiques...

Crossing the Delaware by foot...

Smelling the flowers...

Eating good food...

and of course, enjoying the love of our life...

Come on out of the woodwork! Where did you wander this weekend?



One Moment

Inspired by Amanda Soule, just a moment from our day, no words, just a photograph.




Several years ago, I decided that the space between my house and my neighbor's house was sorely underused. It needed some kick. It was free gardening space! I decided to build a path, and fortunately for me, the ancient bricks were already there, I just had to dig them up! The area was vastly shady, so I decided that the best thing I could do for this space was to make it into a Fern Garden. I'm so happy I did!

The most exciting thing about ferns is how they form in Spring. Fiddleheads pop up and unwind!

They really are fascinating to watch as they unravel into the most beautiful plants. What's blooming in your garden right now?



My New Problem

I've been buying a bit of nice fabric lately (from Modern Organic Fabrics!), but I'm so torn! I don't want to cut it all up! I feel like I've got to spare it! Of course, I know how silly this is! What good is all of this beautiful fabric is it's holed up in the purple room?

So I decided I had to do something with it. I decided to showcase these adorable My Happy Garden Prints by Michele Engel Bencsko as placemats for our farm table! I'm so happy with how they came out!

This was also my first attempt at freemotion quilting, and while I had a few spots where it buckled on me, I'm pretty proud that I did it without someone showing me how!

What pretty fabrics have you been using lately?

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A Moment in Sand

Inspired by Amanda, just a picture, no words...Hope to inspire your week!



Into the Yard

The weather here has been nothing short of amazing! What a week to have off for break!

If I haven't mentioned it before, my little guy would live outside if he could! So of course, we are spending a lot of time out there!

We've been gardening, playing in the water, biking, walking, and a LOT of exploring.

The sun has been shining, making today the perfect day to sun all (yes, ALL) of my cloth diapers!

All of those winter stains are gone!

Last week, we had little buds on the trees..this week? All out leaves! Does it get any better than this?



This Easter...

...began a few days ago when I started a little of this...

and a little of that..

All so someone could do a little of this...

but not without a little of this in the process (oh, that's Mama's Easter basket!)

I hope you had a little of this and that in your Easter!



I took a moment from my day...

Taking Amanda's lead and sharing a moment from our day here. Do you have any special moments today?


© 2003 - 2010 Caroline Conroy. Please do not steal!