
A Nice Place to Work

So a few months ago, I had mentioned that things were troubling me that I couldn't really talk about here. I guess it's OK now. It's pretty official. My school is falling apart, to say the very least. In March, I sent out nearly 100 resumes in an attempt to aggressively find a new job. I realized quickly that many of the rules had changed to my disadvantage due to President Bush's feeble attempt to clean up education with NCLB. "Well do you have your intermediate certifcation?" they'd all say to me. What was this cert?! It didn't even EXIST five years ago! All it really amounts to is a test (90 bucks to the ETS), 270 bucks to the state, and a smile and a handshake and whala! I'm certified! Yeah, tell me it isn't about money...and I'll tell you you're crazy! So anyway, I kept at it..and today, I landed a great job, in a great school district. Finally, five years a-coming, and I have a public school job.

I'm excited to start my summer just knowing that I've got something lined up for next year. It is bittersweet in itself, however. I've made a great new friend at work this year, and I'll be leaving her behind. At least it gives us an excuse to hang out more outside of work. I'm not giving my notice until after school gets out, at the very least!

I hate goodbyes. Although this goodbye comes with an insane raise, it is still difficult for me to have to walk away, muchless think about saying goodbye to my kids wishing them a happy summer. At least I don't have to say goodbye, although that pangs me with guilt. I'll be back to visit, I tell myself now. But for the time being, there are great things in my future!


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