
Thanksgiving Dress

I knew the day was fast approaching. We'd been working on Maura's room, and thus any sewing projects had long sat waiting for me...but the fabric was up there in my studio.

I'd bought it specifically for the occasion. There was a dress in a shop on Farnsworth Avenue that I fell in love with. It's simplicity was just delightful. I knew I could recreate the idea for Miss Maura. I promised myself she'd wear it for Thanksgiving.

The week blew by, and on Wednesday, I knew I had to take time to do it. After all, baby clothes don't take nearly as long as adult clothes do. So I sat down with my Thanksgiving fabric, and I made her this dress.

And she wore it on Thanksgiving, just as I had planned...

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Blogger Kerrie said...

I love it! The colors are gorgeous.

28/11/11 7:34 AM  
Blogger Melissa said...

Completely beautiful!

28/11/11 11:44 PM  

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