Who knew places like this still existed in the United States?

Surely, Silverton is a town that takes you right back to the Gold Rush of the late 1800's. With it's dirt roads and saloons and Main Street feel that hasn't really stepped much farther than time allowed, it surely was taking a step back into history! Let's not even mention the Silverton-Durango Narrow Gauge Railroad - aptly our destination!

This was by far one of the most remote areas of the United States I've ever been to. Our drive from Ouray to Silverton originally had me thinking, "There will be homes and gas stations and perhaps other towns between the two!" Boy was I wrong!
As we drove through the switchbacks of the San Juan Mountains, there truly was nothing! Sure, as you got closer to Silverton (where they brought out Silver by the Ton), you'd see old mines off the side of the road, but it was certainly a serene and peaceful drive.

Before we went, I wasn't so sure the switchback drive was for me coming back from Silverton after dark. It really was a white knuckle drive, with the mountain on one side and a vast drop on the other - with no guardrail!

When we reached the top, we were rewarded with views of Red Mountain. I can't even begin to tell you how amazing it is to drive around one corner, only to be confronted by the most breathtaking mountain in front of you, glaring in reds!

This trip was for Patrick too...and that boy of mine, he does love his trains! So we bought our tickets in the old train station for a one way to Durango (we'd take a motorcoach back). As we stood there, the rain began to fall, and off in the distance, we could see the train coming down the tracks towards us. One thing came to mind:
I wish i was a headlight, on a north bound train;
I'd shine my light through cool colorado rain.
-Grateful Dead
I know the Dead often sang about Americana, but this gave it new meaning for us!

Patrick really enjoyed the train. I'm not sure, though, if he realized fully that he was ON the train, and that it wasn't just in front of us! He'd see the locomotive off in the distance and announce to us, "choo choo!" And when we deboarded in Durango, it was all to do to explore without every other thought being of going to see that choo choo that he remembered seeing when we got off the train!

Our trip through the wilderness was amazing! It was beautiful and awe inspiring! I kept looking for wildlife, but we weren't so lucky. When a tour guide in Durango asked if we'd seen anything, he was quick to say that many of the train passengers lately have been seeing bears! Where were our bears!? Ahh well, perhaps next time we'll see a bear!
Labels: colorado, Vacation