Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park

Our last day in Colorado! How bittersweet! Our adventures took us over many mountains, let us see the world with different eyes, even escape our every day! But alas, it was the end...and what better way to end it than heading up to the Black Canyon!

From the very first view, I knew it was something special! The National Park Service does a phenomenal thing really....they find places that are interesting to many, and make them very accessible to all! Now, really, I'm the kind of person who would do some hiking (although I really hate hills!) but with a toddler in tow, you can only do so much! We got the big picture here..

We kept thinking about the pioneer who came upon it in the first place! One of two things went through his was either, "Holy Mary Mother of God!" (like in Goonies? When the pirate ship emerges from the rocks!) Joe likes to think, it was "Ahh shit! I need to get to the other side!"

Whatever he was thinking, he was one lucky fellow to stumble across such an amazing phenomenon! And we were lucky to share in it!

Knowing the airport awaited us..we drove down from the canyon...while off in the distance, the San Juan Mountains clearly taunted us, saying, "You don't really want to go back to New Jersey! You want to come back to Telluride!" Boy did we ever..but alas, our roots are here..and so we are home..and nearly back to real life, with school starting in just a week...

Sometimes, I wish there was more time to do all the things I ever wanted...I wish I didn't have to teach...but I do enjoy the money and spoiling my little bean with good experiences like this..afterall, isn't Colorado one of the reasons why I do work?
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