
After Baby...

I remember it so vividly..Last year, as we prepared to head over to Joe's parent's house, my nerves were running. We were about to share with them the news of a new member of the family. I was so excited about it, but I hardly realized how special that moment would be. We all decorated the tree as we usually do. The lights were strung carefully. His grandmother's felted ornaments, each individually adorned with sequins and beads, and put in the box so delicately, all made their way to the tree. When we were all done, we sat back in the glow of the beautiful tree. Joe and I had a special present that needed opening right then we insisted. It was a plaque that said, "Grandchildren are God's way of compensating us for growing old." We watched as they opened the package. Their faces took a minute to adjust. The thoughts were so visible. We were able to actually watch their lives change!! In all of a moment, everything became Before Baby and After Baby! It was absolutely magical!

This year, we don't have such spectacular news to share, but we do have a new little member to share all these traditions with! I can't wait for Patrick to take a peek at that beautiful tree, and in future years, decorate it himself with Grandma and Grandpa!

I wish you all happy traditions as each year passes by, but especially, this year!


A Year Ago Today...

My temperature was up..I jumped out of bed quite surprised..Joe was in the shower while I secretly took a pregnancy test...and I started to shake as I watched that second line appear. I could hardly believe it..he could hardly believe it!!

A Year Later...

My how life has changed! Patrick is here! We are parents! My studio is a baby's room, full of toys and books and baby stuff! I'm not currently working, for now, at least until February..

What's the same?

Sitting here by the glow of the Christmas lights, next to the love of my life....on our laptops ;)



This Weekend was a BLUR!

The weekend started with some rings, and before I knew it, it was over! Last night, we headed over to Chip and Marissa's for caroling with Patrick and his array of necessities. We faired OK! He slept for a good while on the way there, so he was able to hang out for longer than usual before I put him down upstairs for the night. I armed myself with my clipon baby monitor and we were good to go!

Unfortunately, 7 am comes too soon and now I'm one tired girl! I tried to explain to him that when you go to bed late, you sleep in later! He wasn't having it!

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Oh Christmas Tree

Last night, Joe and I did the annual deed of decorating the Christmas tree. When I was a kid, we had a tradition. Every year, we'd head out for a day of shopping with my mom which would inevitably involve a stop at the Fountains of Wayne. They'd turn their whole store into a Christmas wonderland, complete with a walkthrough story area upstairs. My brother and I would each pick out a special ornament to put on the tree. I still have most of my ornaments from my childhood, so when I pull out each one, it's like a little memory all wrapped up in one. Joe and I also have many ornaments that students have given us through the years. The tree just tells a story. As you can see, our story is growing. Can you tell which ornament is new this year?



Marshmallow Fluff!

There is this wonderful little place in Princeton called The Bent Spoon. They really do make the most amazing ice cream imaginable from scratch, and as an added bonus, they also make the most AMAZING hot cocoa in the whole wide world. It's creamy and thick, reminiscent of drinking a chocolate bar. I know, who has? But there really is no better way to explain it! They also make their own marshmallows and Joe recently put in a request to recreate this joy. We were sitting around one chilly evening and I offered some cocoa to which he said that nothing could possibly top the Spoon's cocoa and that he couldn't possibly have any. Ooook..that's a challenge! I was in Whole Foods last week and came across the most amazing drinking chocolate..close, but not quite..perhaps it's the fact that we use fat free milk. This cocoa calls for more, perhaps a whole milk. But the marshmallows. Now that was the real challenge. I've never made real marshmallows before. In fact, I'm relatively afraid of making candy besides chocolate. Perhaps it's the scientific danger of melting sugar down, but the whole concept scares me to death! I overcame my fears! They were relatively easy. This is the recipe I followed. They cut up easily enough and made for some amazing cocoa this evening as we decorated the tree!

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As American as Apple Pie

It's become a tradition. We go to Joe's family for Thanksgiving, and I show up with an apple pie. There was a point in my life where I used your standard Pillsbury roll out crust, but I felt guilty when anyone would compliment me on it. I mean, after all, the filling is simply apples, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and a pinch of salt. Not much to it, not much work!! How could I possibly take credit for an amazing apple pie when the piece that holds it all together wasn't even mine? So a few years ago, I started making my own crust. This was, perhaps, when I received a glorious Cuisanart for Christmas. After all, it's just about absolutely necessary for pie crust. I've since made some changes and really mastered it.

Joe may not be a cake or pastry eater, but he sure does love pies! I'm glad I can oblige!


© 2003 - 2010 Caroline Conroy. Please do not steal!