
Marshmallow Fluff!

There is this wonderful little place in Princeton called The Bent Spoon. They really do make the most amazing ice cream imaginable from scratch, and as an added bonus, they also make the most AMAZING hot cocoa in the whole wide world. It's creamy and thick, reminiscent of drinking a chocolate bar. I know, who has? But there really is no better way to explain it! They also make their own marshmallows and Joe recently put in a request to recreate this joy. We were sitting around one chilly evening and I offered some cocoa to which he said that nothing could possibly top the Spoon's cocoa and that he couldn't possibly have any. Ooook..that's a challenge! I was in Whole Foods last week and came across the most amazing drinking chocolate..close, but not quite..perhaps it's the fact that we use fat free milk. This cocoa calls for more, perhaps a whole milk. But the marshmallows. Now that was the real challenge. I've never made real marshmallows before. In fact, I'm relatively afraid of making candy besides chocolate. Perhaps it's the scientific danger of melting sugar down, but the whole concept scares me to death! I overcame my fears! They were relatively easy. This is the recipe I followed. They cut up easily enough and made for some amazing cocoa this evening as we decorated the tree!

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