I thought the rule of thumb was that everything that could go wrong, will. This weekend was a test on Joe and I. Let's see how much they can handle all whilst having a baby in tow!
Friday night was Trey. Nikki and Marissa and crew were all staying over my house...6 additional people sleeping in my house after Trey! Friday afternoon, as they all arrived and we all feasted, my baby was an absolute DREAM. He somehow managed to sneak past his fussy time and smiled away at EVERYONE.
We left everyone here to meet up in Philly as we went to drop P off at my inlaws and do bathtime down there. I wanted to make sure we got bath in because I knew it would make him chill. I left a nonfussing baby with my inlaws and Joe and I had an AWESOME time at Trey. It was so surreal partly because I'd been very pregnant at Vibes, and this was my first postpregnancy show. After the show, we went back to pick him up, and somehow managed to pull up to our house the same exact minute as everyone else. I gave them a key just in case, but they pulled up the same time we did!
He started to cry when we walked in after sleeping the whole ride home, but I nursed him and put him in the snugglenest alone. Usually he wakes UP if I'm not there, but no! Not Friday night! He slept there without me! We hung out for a while before heading off to bed. At 2:30, I looked at the clock and felt immediate fear for Patrick's love of the 7 oclock hour..
He started to stir at 6:30, but I was able to nurse him quickly and he FELL BACK TO SLEEP..yes, my friends, until 8:40!!
Yesterday, we had a family function. My cousin's little one's 6th birthday..We had to leave at noon..but somehow, I managed to cook breakfast for all our guests, shower, pump, and be out by noon! I don't know how I did it!!
Patrick was a dream baby yesterday as well! I swear, I've got the perfect little buddy right now...my weekend pulled off without a hitch, and I thank god for every second of it!!
I hope you all had wonderful weekends as well!
I thought the rule of thumb was that everything that could go wrong, will. This weekend was a test on Joe and I. Let's see how much they can handle all whilst having a baby in tow!
Friday night was Trey. Nikki and Marissa and crew were all staying over my house...6 additional people sleeping in my house after Trey! Friday afternoon, as they all arrived and we all feasted, my baby was an absolute DREAM. He somehow managed to sneak past his fussy time and smiled away at EVERYONE.
We left everyone here to meet up in Philly as we went to drop P off at my inlaws and do bathtime down there. I wanted to make sure we got bath in because I knew it would make him chill. I left a nonfussing baby with my inlaws and Joe and I had an AWESOME time at Trey. It was so surreal partly because I'd been very pregnant at Vibes, and this was my first postpregnancy show. After the show, we went back to pick him up, and somehow managed to pull up to our house the same exact minute as everyone else. I gave them a key just in case, but they pulled up the same time we did!
He started to cry when we walked in after sleeping the whole ride home, but I nursed him and put him in the snugglenest alone. Usually he wakes UP if I'm not there, but no! Not Friday night! He slept there without me! We hung out for a while before heading off to bed. At 2:30, I looked at the clock and felt immediate fear for Patrick's love of the 7 oclock hour..
He started to stir at 6:30, but I was able to nurse him quickly and he FELL BACK TO SLEEP..yes, my friends, until 8:40!!
Yesterday, we had a family function. My cousin's little one's 6th birthday..We had to leave at noon..but somehow, I managed to cook breakfast for all our guests, shower, pump, and be out by noon! I don't know how I did it!!
Patrick was a dream baby yesterday as well! I swear, I've got the perfect little buddy right now...my weekend pulled off without a hitch, and I thank god for every second of it!!
I hope you all had wonderful weekends as well!
Labels: Baby Patrick, milestones
Keeping Busy...
I know you are all wondering what keeps me busy outside of this little being that has taken over household Conroy. Honestly, I do indeed miss work. I miss the daily human interactions. On the same behalf, I can't even fathom going back to work right now. He's so fragile, so precious, and he needs ME. He does nap. He naps in the morning, and occassionally if I'm lucky, I'll get something besides a handful of cat naps in the afternoon.
We've taken to watching Lost. Unfortunately, after season 1 ended on Friday on G4, they did away with the 4:00pm showing. That's OK, I can just watch it with Joe at night. I was never into the whole Lost thing, but it grabbed me, and wow, I look forward to it daily!

We've also been doing some baking and cooking. Homemade applesauce, scones, and today? We braved bread! Angry Chicken posted that she made this bread and it was fantastic! I was enticed by the jelly toast.
Lastly, I decided that I really need to learn to Knit. Knitting has never been my forte. For that matter, nothing with yarn really has. the constant movement of my hands is just something that doesn't grab me. I love the look of knitted things, but I hardly have the patience for it. I'm trying though. A friend posted a great headband on another site and I really would like to make it someday. This is my goal, for now. In the meantime, I'm practicing my knit/purl.
I'm also finding that I'm applying my nesting to the house the same way I do in my classroom. The wash needs to be folded, the dishes put away, things in order, etc. I never realized that I do this. I honestly just thought I was keeping things organized! It's amazing what you learn about your habits when put in a different scenario!
I know you are all wondering what keeps me busy outside of this little being that has taken over household Conroy. Honestly, I do indeed miss work. I miss the daily human interactions. On the same behalf, I can't even fathom going back to work right now. He's so fragile, so precious, and he needs ME. He does nap. He naps in the morning, and occassionally if I'm lucky, I'll get something besides a handful of cat naps in the afternoon.
We've taken to watching Lost. Unfortunately, after season 1 ended on Friday on G4, they did away with the 4:00pm showing. That's OK, I can just watch it with Joe at night. I was never into the whole Lost thing, but it grabbed me, and wow, I look forward to it daily!

We've also been doing some baking and cooking. Homemade applesauce, scones, and today? We braved bread! Angry Chicken posted that she made this bread and it was fantastic! I was enticed by the jelly toast.
Lastly, I decided that I really need to learn to Knit. Knitting has never been my forte. For that matter, nothing with yarn really has. the constant movement of my hands is just something that doesn't grab me. I love the look of knitted things, but I hardly have the patience for it. I'm trying though. A friend posted a great headband on another site and I really would like to make it someday. This is my goal, for now. In the meantime, I'm practicing my knit/purl.
I'm also finding that I'm applying my nesting to the house the same way I do in my classroom. The wash needs to be folded, the dishes put away, things in order, etc. I never realized that I do this. I honestly just thought I was keeping things organized! It's amazing what you learn about your habits when put in a different scenario!
Labels: Home
Ripe for the Pickin'

Ahh, 74 degrees, Sunny, how often do days like this come along in October? Not very! On that note, we decided to head for the orchard today. Patrick is so easy going in the baby carrier that taking him out to a place like this is no sweat!

We did manage to find some good apples, Stamens and Golden Delicious, but all in all, the apples weren't good for the pickin'! Many of them were bruised or bug infested and finding good apples was a task. At least with the ones I did get, I'll make up some pies.

Before heading out, we picked a few pumpkins out. Hopefully, the squirrels won't eat them on us!

Ahh, 74 degrees, Sunny, how often do days like this come along in October? Not very! On that note, we decided to head for the orchard today. Patrick is so easy going in the baby carrier that taking him out to a place like this is no sweat!

We did manage to find some good apples, Stamens and Golden Delicious, but all in all, the apples weren't good for the pickin'! Many of them were bruised or bug infested and finding good apples was a task. At least with the ones I did get, I'll make up some pies.

Before heading out, we picked a few pumpkins out. Hopefully, the squirrels won't eat them on us!
Labels: Seasons
Some Autumn Inspiration

One of my goals as a parent and a teacher is to immerse my child in as many books as possible...to instill a love of reading. I came across an amazing idea a year or so ago at Soulemama that I wanted to put into my own bag of tricks.
The Seasonal Book Basket
The idea stems from the concept of putting together groups of books to take out by season. By doing this, the books don't end up collecting dust somewhere, but become familiar joys of the season. I decided to head out today to pick up some autumn books for Patrick. Here is where we start:
Five Little Pumpkins - Really just a simple board book based on the well loved song we all grew up listening to.
In The Haunted House - Eve Bunting
The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything - Linda Williams and Megan Lloyd
A Turkey for Thanksgiving - Also by Eve Bunting
Thanks for Thanksgiving - Julie Markes and Doris Barrette

One of my goals as a parent and a teacher is to immerse my child in as many books as possible...to instill a love of reading. I came across an amazing idea a year or so ago at Soulemama that I wanted to put into my own bag of tricks.
The Seasonal Book Basket
The idea stems from the concept of putting together groups of books to take out by season. By doing this, the books don't end up collecting dust somewhere, but become familiar joys of the season. I decided to head out today to pick up some autumn books for Patrick. Here is where we start:
Five Little Pumpkins - Really just a simple board book based on the well loved song we all grew up listening to.
In The Haunted House - Eve Bunting
The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything - Linda Williams and Megan Lloyd
A Turkey for Thanksgiving - Also by Eve Bunting
Thanks for Thanksgiving - Julie Markes and Doris Barrette
Labels: books
I think the pictures say it all! Sorry one is blurry, capturing smiles on a moving baby isn't always easy!

I think the pictures say it all! Sorry one is blurry, capturing smiles on a moving baby isn't always easy!

Labels: Baby Patrick
Musings of the Early Morning
After consuming some milk products on Tuesday that rather threw Patrick for a loop, I thought it was all finally passing last night as he slept really well. That is, until 6 this morning...He was fussing, it seemed as if the little guy had some gas. I picked up my little man, nursed him, and headed for the rocker to try and work this out with him. As he had his gaze fixed on the curtain, it came out of nowhere.
Kid projectile puked ALL OVER. Now, really, I do have quite a difficult time with puke, muchless smelling like sour milk, but somehow, I managed to pull my shirt off, get him undressed, grab a towel and clean up the mess, and head to draw a bath for the two of us.
At 6:30 in the morning, this is not at the top of my priorities, but what can you do? A nice warm bath has an amazing ability to fix just about anything. As we cuddled and cleaned up, whatever was ailing little P seemed to pass. We got out, dried off, got dressed for the day, and the little man is yet again fast asleep..
ahh, being a parent is so much fun!
After consuming some milk products on Tuesday that rather threw Patrick for a loop, I thought it was all finally passing last night as he slept really well. That is, until 6 this morning...He was fussing, it seemed as if the little guy had some gas. I picked up my little man, nursed him, and headed for the rocker to try and work this out with him. As he had his gaze fixed on the curtain, it came out of nowhere.
Kid projectile puked ALL OVER. Now, really, I do have quite a difficult time with puke, muchless smelling like sour milk, but somehow, I managed to pull my shirt off, get him undressed, grab a towel and clean up the mess, and head to draw a bath for the two of us.
At 6:30 in the morning, this is not at the top of my priorities, but what can you do? A nice warm bath has an amazing ability to fix just about anything. As we cuddled and cleaned up, whatever was ailing little P seemed to pass. We got out, dried off, got dressed for the day, and the little man is yet again fast asleep..
ahh, being a parent is so much fun!
Labels: Baby Patrick