
Musings of the Early Morning

After consuming some milk products on Tuesday that rather threw Patrick for a loop, I thought it was all finally passing last night as he slept really well. That is, until 6 this morning...He was fussing, it seemed as if the little guy had some gas. I picked up my little man, nursed him, and headed for the rocker to try and work this out with him. As he had his gaze fixed on the curtain, it came out of nowhere.

Kid projectile puked ALL OVER. Now, really, I do have quite a difficult time with puke, muchless smelling like sour milk, but somehow, I managed to pull my shirt off, get him undressed, grab a towel and clean up the mess, and head to draw a bath for the two of us.

At 6:30 in the morning, this is not at the top of my priorities, but what can you do? A nice warm bath has an amazing ability to fix just about anything. As we cuddled and cleaned up, whatever was ailing little P seemed to pass. We got out, dried off, got dressed for the day, and the little man is yet again fast asleep..

ahh, being a parent is so much fun!



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