
Living Life in Two Week Increments

For the past five months, I've spent my life living in 2 week increments...that is, the two weeks before I ovulate and the two weeks after I ovulate. It seems as if the FIRST half goes by really quickly. The second half, however, drags on longer than eternity and usually ends in complete demise. I find myself in the midst of the second half..nearly at demise, and miserable to boot.

Have I mentioned how much trying to conceive sucks? If I haven't, let it be known!



A little friend

Every year, I feel so very fortunate in my garden. I remember as a child learning about delicate little creatures like Walking Sticks and Praying Mantis, and I knew how special they were even then. Since we bought our house several years ago, we've come across a host of Mantises every year. Early in the season, we find the small little ones. They are quick and on the move. As the summer progresses, however, the mantises become larger, slower, and not nearly as bright green.

As the season begins to come to a close, we find that we are often met face to face with the elder mantises..They've lived their life, their color is turning to brown, and they are slow, old, and wise. This little guy was visiting one of my flowers recently. It was as if he was looking right at me...posing for a picture! Perhaps he was!


Just one more day..

...of summer that is! Elise, Ty, Joe, and I, along with the kids, headed down to LBI for the day..just one last day..one last glimmer of summer as the seasons change. Perhaps, by next summer, there may be more feet at the beach! We can only hope!


What was the name of that place again?

Yesterday, Joe and I both had off for Rosh Hashana. Now, you're all probably thinking "God! They've had off all summer, and now this!" Yes, my friends, now this! We decided to head out to "that place where we went to a street fair a few years back..what was it..Chester? Chestnut Hill?" Yes, after a few wrong turns on google, we found ourselves heading towards Chestnut Hill..as in part of Philadelphia...It was a beautiful day for wandering around town so Joe and I did just that. Our intention at first was to get lunch only to find out that the amazingly fun fondue restaurant was closed until 5! No!! Starving! Well, it worked out for the best. We got ourselves some coffee and a Philly pretzel before heading out towards the Wissahickon River where we wandered around for a bit on the trails. It was the perfect afternoon! Then, we headed back into town just in time for the most excellent fondue dinner!

Nothing like ending the evening with a variety of sweets and a bowl of molten chocolate!! Perhaps someday again we'll have a day off and we'll find ourselves on yet another adventure!



Worn Out Feet

So everyday, I come home from work and my feet REALLY hurt. I guess they just aren't used to be used so often. After all, school does find me on my feet more often than not. My feet are also used to wearing crocs for the entire summer, so real shoes just seem to be wrecking havoc on them! I don't get it though. For a good year, I came home from school and walked another 2 miles! I hope that my feet recover soon, because this is going to drive me up the wall. None the less, yesterday, I felt like I was being so very useless after school and decided to take to my bike again. This was quite a regular thing for me all summer long. I was biking vast mileage on a daily basis. So out I went. And yet again today. And sometimes, when I'm riding, I'll blog in my head. Do you all do this? Well, even though the title hear is "Worn Out Feet", I'd like to address something that I found absolutely gross!

There I am, riding along..through vast country roads nestled between cornfields..the sky blue above me..perhaps some white fluffy clouds...and then, on the side of the road, I catch it out of the corner of my eye. It's usually a water bottle, or maybe a soda bottle..but by no means is it empty! It's filled with a yellow liquid that absolutely cannot be mistaken. I'm sure I don't even have to name it here! Now I just don't get it. Obviously, this deed is being done by men. There is no way that any female on this earth has that kind of aim to get it neatly into the hole of a water bottle. But I digress..I'm baffled. Are all men in that much of a rush, that they can't even stop to water the bushes? I mean, today's bottle wasn't the first. I've seen MANY of them over the summer. I'm imagining this wave of men, driving with NO hands, while doing the deed into a water bottle...yeah, just what we need on the road! Talk about crazy and unsafe! Men! I ask of you! I beg of you! Stop and water the bushes! We don't want to see your disgusting water bottles on the side of the road..

OK! /rant off!


Feet Week?

So a fellow blogger that I read daily has a friend who has decided and declared that this be feet week. Of course, the following picture came to mind. Certainly a good memory. It was the day after the last day of school (perfectly fitting considering today is the day after the first day of school!) and Lori and I had gone on a nostalgic adventure. We headed north to Warwick, NY, where we found ourselves frollicking in the river near Pacem en Terris. We'd swopped a croc for the day, and she wore one of mine and I one of hers! The tourists abound thought it mighty funny of us, but we didn't care! It was fun! None the less, here are our feet in the water of the river..Ahh summer, how I miss it already..It goes so quick, in the blink of an eye!


Gone in the Blink of an Eye

It seems that when Labor Day rolls around each year, we find ourselves dragging our feet, not wanting to move on, and rather sad that the summer is most officially behind us. This year, we spend much of our time trying to achieve something of a miracle. Of course, nothing has really gone quite smoothly ever in our life together. This little miracle project wouldn't be any different..so keep us in your thoughts as we continue to work on it.

Joe and I just had a wonderful weekend in Turin, NY with some of our nearest and dearest friends. Although they'll never be my favorite band, going to moe.down every year has sort of been a tradition. It's like the last hurrah of summer, where the days are warm and the nights chill you thoroughly. The leaves in the north are already starting to change. We were fortunate this year in that we had no rain! It was truly a gorgeous, yet dusty weekend.

Tomorrow signifies the start of fall for us. Entering the classroom yet once again to a bunch of young faces with yet to be known personalities. We're just as nervous as they are, of course! Ahh well, another year to begin!

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