
Gone in the Blink of an Eye

It seems that when Labor Day rolls around each year, we find ourselves dragging our feet, not wanting to move on, and rather sad that the summer is most officially behind us. This year, we spend much of our time trying to achieve something of a miracle. Of course, nothing has really gone quite smoothly ever in our life together. This little miracle project wouldn't be any different..so keep us in your thoughts as we continue to work on it.

Joe and I just had a wonderful weekend in Turin, NY with some of our nearest and dearest friends. Although they'll never be my favorite band, going to moe.down every year has sort of been a tradition. It's like the last hurrah of summer, where the days are warm and the nights chill you thoroughly. The leaves in the north are already starting to change. We were fortunate this year in that we had no rain! It was truly a gorgeous, yet dusty weekend.

Tomorrow signifies the start of fall for us. Entering the classroom yet once again to a bunch of young faces with yet to be known personalities. We're just as nervous as they are, of course! Ahh well, another year to begin!

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