

Living alone for a few days is always one thing..Joe goes away every year to the NWP convention from usually a Thursday through a Sunday, leaving me home alone..Two years ago, he whisked off to Silverthorne, CO for the Key Issues workshop, leaving home for a week. Fortunately, at the same time, I headed on a road trip myself with my best friend Lori to Atlanta, Georgia. Last year, I headed off to Silverthorne for the very same workshop. So it's been quite a while, if ever, that I've ended up alone for an entire week! Joe headed out to Chico, CA for a National Writing Project Technology Matters conference for the week leaving me to my own devices!

It's going to be nice actually..some quiet time without the guitar, a tv that doesn't run nonstop video games, and the idea that I'm going to just relax for the whole week! I took a walk today to start it out after my workshop. I also cooked myself dinner. I promised Joe I'd eat all the bananas, apples, and grapes that were around before he got back. It's really just an attempt to eat well for the week. Unfortunately, the grapes, that I JUST bought on Sunday, were covered in MOLD today :( I think I'll have to buy more grapes just to show him I didn't just junk the old grapes in the composter..In lieu of the grapes, I ate one of the organic bananas.

Denali is already off on the wrong foot. He decided he wasn't going to let me know he was locked in the back room when I got home last night. If Joe were around, of COURSE, Denali would have let his voice be heard. Unfortunately, he spent the night alone!

Here's to a retreatful week!

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