Painting the Sidewalk

Getting Patrick to do art is like pulling teeth. The child just doesn't love art, which pains me greatly. However, he does occasionally enjoy painting. So when I saw the opportunity arise for this neat little project, I jumped right on it.

Last week, it was unseasonably warm here in New Jersey. It felt much like early summer. I knew it wouldn't last, so when I heard him stir from his nap on Friday afternoon, I ran to the kitchen to grab the cornstarch. I saw this recipe on Pinterest and thought I'd give it a shot. One cup of water, one cup of cornstarch...mix it up, evenly distribute into muffin tins, drip food color to desired color and paint. Simple enough!

He came down tossled with bedhead. "We're going to paint today!" I told him. He resisted. "Outside! Look!" I showed him the paint, but he didn't look overly thrilled about the prospects. It was 75 degrees and the paint was already made. We were headed out no matter what! I got him a snack and we headed out to the sidewalk to paint. I got him motivated for a bit. Our sidewalk took on quite a hue for the few days before the rain swept it away.

I don't think the recipe was quite perfect though. It was too watery. I think it needed to be a little pastier. When I do it again, I'm sure I'll do it a little differently. It was too watery! So, here is my suggestion.
1 1/4 cup of cornstarch
1 cup of water
Food Coloring

Let me know how it works for you!!
Labels: art
Beta the Betta
Patrick has been having a difficult time lately. I'm not really sure what it is, but he's just been downright difficult. He doesn't listen, he talks back, and he just doesn't seem happy. Sometimes I worry that we've scarred the little dude with the addition of Maura and all of her baggage, but other times, I look at him and wonder what's really going on.
We expect him to act up when she has breakthrough seizures. It's normal. So this most recent attitude shift that came weeks after her last breakthrough, has rather thrown us for a loop. There really is no explanation for it besides the fact that he's three...
So today, we were out and about. There we stood in Petsmart with my friend Marla. The Betta Fish were so pretty. I know how low maintenance they are. Marla decided she would get one for Leo...how could I resist? This was a fish for just Patrick. He could pick whatever one he wanted. He could feed it, name it, watch it. It was going to be his fish....his very own first pet.
We left with the little Betta of his choosing. He's calling it Beta...can't think of a better name for it! That's fine. He adores it. He wants to move it's little tank wherever he is, which we have to limit. But he's been in better spirits.
I drove home wondering what had I done. What happens if this little guy kicks the bucket? Then what? Will I try to do the same thing my mom did? Swap in a replacement? (Yes, she really did...a finch at that!) or just let it run its course? We'll see...but in the meantime, Patrick has a new friend named Beta.
Labels: milestones, Patrick Finn
Quick Change Trousers

Maura gets a lot of hand me downs. Most of them are from her own brother, which means that she often gets mistaken for a boy. I'm ok with that. Even if I never had a boy, I'm sure my girl would wear lots of naturals and browns to begin with. A few flowers help her out just a little bit!

I started making her pants in the winter. I used the pattern for the Quick Change Trousers from Anna Maria Horner's Handmade Beginnings: 24 Sewing Projects to Welcome Baby

A Spring Baseball Moment

Just a moment from our week. I'm happy to be back sharing again! Savoring these spring days!
Labels: This Moment
Wee Folk
On a recent trip to the library with Patrick and Maura, I spotted this book:

I hadn't heard of Salley Mavor before. Where had I been? Of course, we took the book out and I fawned over the pages for days. It was just beautiful work! As a textile major, I could certainly appreciate the beauty in all that she did. The little details were just spectacular. And the acorn people! Oh, how cute they were! I could certainly make use of my acorns this way!
So I gave it a shot...

I could do this! I could make more! Before long, this little guy had a whole bunch of friends!

Each one a little more detailed than the one before it, I continue to make them. They are addictive! As you can see, one of them even has a hand knitted sweater! They take on their own personalities as I go along.
Now I see that Salley also has a book with directions! I'll have to check it out!
Aren't they sweet?
I hadn't heard of Salley Mavor before. Where had I been? Of course, we took the book out and I fawned over the pages for days. It was just beautiful work! As a textile major, I could certainly appreciate the beauty in all that she did. The little details were just spectacular. And the acorn people! Oh, how cute they were! I could certainly make use of my acorns this way!
So I gave it a shot...

I could do this! I could make more! Before long, this little guy had a whole bunch of friends!

Each one a little more detailed than the one before it, I continue to make them. They are addictive! As you can see, one of them even has a hand knitted sweater! They take on their own personalities as I go along.
Now I see that Salley also has a book with directions! I'll have to check it out!
Aren't they sweet?
Labels: Crafting
Coming Up for Air

Whew! That was a long month! I feel bad. I've been disconnected here. Are you still out there reading? I hope so. I have some fun things to share over the coming days. Yes! I have been productive in this crazy thing we call life after all!
February was the month that was. I say Good Riddance as the month was riddled with seizures for Miss Maura from start to finish. Every time we felt like we might be in the clear, we were back in the thick of it. In the end, we realized that what Maura really needed was a return to the Topamax. I should have known better. This was our miracle back in June. It was THE drug that kept her seizures at bay. At least we know that she's not ready to say goodbye to any of her current meds. I'm just sad that it took a whole month to figure it out!

To this I say Welcome March! I look forward to the arrival of Spring! Hopefully we've put the last of the seizures behind us and we can move on. I say that cautiously this time, but maybe we'll be lucky!
Labels: epilepsy, Maura Fern