
Scary business

Joe and i had a bit of a scare this morning. as i was getting ready for work, i went to make a bagel. we don't often eat bagels, but yesterday, we went to wegmans. they make these amazing marco polo bagels, so this morning, there i was, in the kitchen, preparing lunch when i grabbed my bagel. the bagel was cold and hard and i got out the bagel knife. i went to start my bagel cut and i completely missed. the next thing i knew, i was holding my hand over the floor, dripping an immense amount of blood. i've already got the knack for organizing my thoughts in an emergency.

joe, go upstairs, in my drawer, grab my snowchain.

6:37 - call the sub caller...7 minutes late, but its obviously an emergency!

call my vp, now sitting on the floor, feeling light headed.

get in the car, and go. now well into the second paper towel.

mind you i've never had stitches outside of surgery. i've never had some random freak accident that required stitches, that is, until now.

after calming explaining to them that i'm pregnant, thinking that would make them move fast - yea right- they took is in about 8:15. 2-3 stitches inside and 7 outside, i'm now home resting on my couch. thankfully, a second ultrasound is scheduled in 2 weeks. i'm sure it's fine, but the thought of shock mildly began to freak me out this morning!

when are things going to calm down?? i need a BREAK!



Doubts and Reassurance

It seems that every year, around this time, I begin to doubt myself. I doubt my teaching ability and have this horrible notion that I'm going to get fired or something. Do I have a legitimate reason to even believe this? Of course not! And of course, likewise, I am always reassured that I'm doing just fine! My observation went well this week. My supervisor was blown away by my classroom, so much of it, so meticulously done. I feel at ease once again in my teaching. One more observation to go this year, and then I'm down two years with one to go!



Introducing Our Little Dinosaur!

I know, I know, I've been here for almost 2 months now spouting out pregnancy tales to everyone we meet. Of course, they'd all ask us when we were seeing the doctor. Today was officially the day! I was hoping for an ultrasound, but I wasn't sure it was guaranteed! When we walked in the exam room, I immediately saw the U/S machine, all cued up with my name on it! Everything went really smoothly with the appointment. I really liked the OB, she seemed right on par with what I was hoping for. She showed us the little bean on the screen, and it was amazing! The little heart was beating and you could SEE it! There really IS a bean growing inside of me! I'm measuring 8 weeks 3 days, and I'm timed at 8 weeks today, so that's good news. They worry when it's TOO small..but it's actually measuring right on par!



Life takes over

Do you ever feel like the world is crashing in on you? I'm sure you have, but take a magnifying glass, aka pregnancy, and magnify it by 10!! This week I've got a lot weighing on my shoulders. From my first OB appointment to my second observation to two very important meetings to round out the week, the upcoming 3 day weekend will surely be well deserved. I just hope I can survive the next five days!

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So I thought I was getting off easy...6 weeks, no sign of the horrid MS...boy was I wrong! At least it isn't as bad as it could be (knock on wood!). I woke up the other day and could hardly stomach my breakfast. The next day, the toothpaste made me gag. Ever since, it's been a constant feeling of absolute ick. My appetite is gone. Not even the simplest foods seem appealing! I've stocked up on applesauce, peppermint lifesavers, and I've even bought seabands. I'm hoping this isn't settling in for the long run. 6 more weeks is a long time!


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