Alright, so Kelli booktagged me. I knew things like this existed but I didn't know this one. Here is what it is. You have to answer the 4 questions given and then "tag" 5 other bloggers. Here are the questions, along with my answers:
1. Total number of books you've owned: Would you like to come see my bookshelves? Joe and I own alot of books. It's amazing what you come up with when you put two distinctly different tastes together. Joe likes classic literature, where alot of my books are more modern chick lit (however, not the sexy stuff, just great girl stories by woman authors). I also have a lot of "how to" books.
2. Last Book I Bought: The Last Time They Met by Anita Shreve. I tend NOT to buy books because my friend Elise and I share quite a few books from each other's library. I do know that this was the last one I bought. Thank god for being a teacher! Most of my reading is done for free. B and N gift cards make GREAT gifts (wink wink). If we are talking "books lined up to read", I have The Master Quilter waiting, by Jennifer Chiaverini. This is the 5th book (?) in the Elmcreek Novel Series. I am currently reading A Quilter's Legacy, the book before it. This is a GREAT series and I'm really enjoying it.
3. Last Book I Read: The Second Summer of the Sisterhood by Ann Brashares. Yea, I know..easy reading! It finally came out in softback and Elise bought it so I wanted to read it considering the first book is coming out in the movies! I liked the first book much better last year. I thought this one was lacking in information. If you plan on reading them, read them TOGETHER, not a year apart when you are bound to forget small details. I can't wait to see the movie tho!!
4. 5 Books That Mean Something To Me:
A. The Poisonwood Bible, Barbara Kingsolver--I finished this book over a year ago and I still can't get over the characters in it. They moved me so much! I miss spending my nights with them.
B. The Pharmer's Almanac - A phish reference book..volume three..I THINK it's page 39. I was published ;) It makes me so happy..even tho Joe basically rewrote it from his point of view..and both our names are on the story, it was all me!
C. The Elmcreek Novels, Jennifer Chiaverini - Does such a place exist? A place where one can go for a weekend to quilt and do nothing more than bond with other women? I suppose I can dream..In the meantime, I'll keep reading about it in this series.
D. A Walk in the Woods, Bill Bryson - Once upon a time, I wanted to hike the Appalachian trail. That is, until Bill gave me the inspiration to go out backpacking for a weekend, hiking 14 miles with a pack..and painful feet for days after it was all said and done. Seeing Bill speak in Philadelphia at the public library gave me real perspective into his cynical humor. He has an interesting way of looking at the world. If you like travel books, I recommend checking him out, not just THIS book, but other ones!
E. Roxaboxen, Alice McLerran - Noone said we couldn't use CHILDREN'S books. This is my all time favorite. I remember building forts in the woods as a child. I remember imagining things that weren't there, that we saw as being grand. These places are still there today, however overgrown they might be. This book reminds me of my neighborhood. I share this with my kids on the first day of school..I like to remind them that we should never be too serious to play sometimes, as a release.
TAG--you're it!
If your name is below, I expect you to do this too!!
Laurie B.
I need more blog friends ;) lets start with that!