
30 days!

Ok..so is it too early to put it up on the board?? It is the beginning of May now..I did make a countdown on request of some of the students, but hot damn could I use a nap right now!! Denali woke me up at 4:50 this morning, and for reasons besides bed, I just couldn't find my mind going back to sleep..so up I got..showered, even made breakfast an hour into it!! I didn't know what to do with myself...the whole thing completely threw me off and I found myself at work BEFORE 7 oclock!! I don't know..really..its a bit absurd, but now i'm tired, and I feel like I should be two more hours into my day which would put me at almost time to go home..and now it's all messed up!! GRRR!!

We had this missionary visitor today..I learned something very interesting from him. No no, I'm not going to dish out some religious stuff to you..this is very interesting! Really! In Africa, people don't pay mind to dates..they pay mind to events..like for instance..the summer of "Coventry" or the year they held the "Clifford Ball"..you get the idea..we all know what YEARS they were and what SEASON, MONTH, etc..but if you didn't..thats how you might remember things..ANYWAY..this ALSO goes for birthdays..so they don't know when a child is old enough to go to school..Want to know how they tell?? If you can stick your arm over your head and touch your ear on the other side, you are of school age and allowed to go to school. Try it! I'm sure you can do it..apparently, kindergarten and first grade children have difficulty. Amusing ehh??

Alright, now I'm getting batty..almost lunch time, breath of fresh air, a little daydream and two more periods..


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