
Exploring the Outside

We've been spending more and more time outside these last few weeks.  Whether we are at the pool getting it ready for it's opening next week or just in our own little backyard, we are out there!  One thing my son really enjoys is visiting the neighbors.  And boy is he lucky!  My neighbors have some fabulous gardens abound!  He gets to explore the nooks and crannies of small city gardens, and I get to gander at all the beautiful plants in them.  I try my hand at gardening, but I'm not nearly as skilled as my amazing neighbors are!

Anyway, one of our neighbors shared with us the most amazing little treasure today.  She took us to her gardening bench where her gardening pots were...and in one of them, was a little nest of baby birds!  Five of them!  Sleeping right on top!  Breathing, and occasionally startling to open their mouths to us!  I made my son promise not to touch them or their nest.  I picked him up and showed him.  His face was aglow!

Peculiar little fellows decided to nest in a terracotta pot!  Go figure!  I'm so glad we got to see them.  We look forward to revisiting them as they grow - but not too often!



My goodness!  Where does the time go?  The winter is always so dreary here, and not all that much happens, but I never expected the blog to get away from me!  If you are still out there reading, well, thank you!  I hope to blog a bit more through the summer months!

Maura turned two.  Can you believe it?  I blinked my eyes, and she grew and grew and before I knew it, she was two!  I feel like the first year was a year of shock - shock from what I'd been through, shock from what she was going through...but the second year was a different story.  It was like we were recovering.  Maura is seizure free. She has been for a very long time.  Her meds may or may not have anything to do with that, we won't know until we wean her...which will happen sometime soon, for at least one of them!

Regardless, we put all that aside this week as we celebrated two.  Maura had cake,  she made a mess, she got some help from her big brother to open her presents.  It was a beautiful day!

© 2003 - 2010 Caroline Conroy. Please do not steal!