Just when life was starting to feel a bit normal, Maura let's us know that she's special in her own little way. While Independence Day is meant to be spent celebrating our independence, ours was spent dealing with Maura's epilepsy. There we were, at our Fourth of July party, enjoying the beautiful day when Maura was watching one of our friend's dogs. I saw her start to get "excited" until I realized she really wasn't getting excited, she was seizing.
How could this happen? There we were surrounded by all of our amazing neighbors, and nobody really knew what was going on save for a few people. Maura was relapsing. So much for a seizure free month. By the time 8 o'clock rolled around, Maura had 2 more seizures. We were back in seizureville and it wasn't pretty.
Luckily, we have a great doctor down at CHOP who got back to us right away and we ended up increasing Maura's meds. It was rocky for a few days as they started working again, but we may just be out of the woods for now. At least there wasn't another trip to CHOP, save for a quick stop today just to drop off the scale we rented and have some blood drawn to get her med levels.
After the first one, I was horrified - not because she had a seizure, but because she could have another . Through this latest ordeal, we were pushed past a new threshold - the middle of the night seizure. We survived. She survived.
Maura's brain seems to have calmed down for now. We won't be so quick next time to think we are done without the beast hiding in the nearest shadow.
Labels: epilepsy, Maura Fern