Last week was a whirlwind. I had ideas...things I wanted to blog about, but on Wednesday, when I was unpleasantly surprised by spotting, I was thrown for a whirlwind...

I joke about this baby coming early...I joke about my water dramatically breaking at school in the middle on NJASK testing, but in reality, we have to laugh about our fears, however irrational they may be.

Never did I think that I'd go for my 32 week Placenta Previa scan and they'd tell me it hasn't moved...muchless a day after some harmless (so they've told me) spotting.

My family came last week. They "sprinkled" me with gifts for this new baby. There was an amazing clothesline filled with browns, greens, and yellows. There were cupcakes shaped like baby rattles. There were little baby toys. This baby surely wouldn't go unspoiled! We all walked into town and had a nice lunch out. Walked! Over a mile!
Today? The idea of walking that far scares me. I have no intention of helping this baby along in any way shape or form. Today, I am 33 weeks. That's just 4 weeks less than Patrick, and 4 weeks away from full term. Hopefully this baby will hold out for at least another 28 days and make it until then. And perhaps I might get lucky and this placenta will migrate before they decide they need to take the baby out otherwise.
Labels: Pregnancy