
Yet Another Snowy Day Moment (Is Spring here YET?)

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Thanks Amanda for your weekly inspiration to share our moments!

What's special in your life this week?



The Forecast

He's not a fan of the snow. Last winter, I just thought it was perhaps because he had only learned to walk in November and was still having difficulty with terrain. I thought we were well over the snow hump this year when the first big storm hit. We bought a snow tube, took him out to the town hill, and made a really big deal out of it. He seemed to enjoy it then. So when we got the second big snow, we tried again! We lasted 10 minutes. I swear it took me longer to make him all toasty warm!

So of course, I'm a little dismayed to report that it appears MORE winter weather is on it's way. The weathermen aren't sure this time whether we'll get big snow or big rain. I'm rather hoping for the later. After all, we've still got ALL of February to deal with!

Is it March yet?



In the Bleak Midwinter

It happens every year....the weather grows colder, and once Christmas is past, it seems as if the tundra sets in and grabs hold. I'm not a fan of winter. I'm not a fan of snow, ice, or drafts. It seems this year is colder than ever! When I got in my car this morning to head to work, it was 8 degrees. Now I know that many of you are thinking, that's nothing! It's BELOW zero here! But for us, it's big. It's the coldest day yet. I would know considering my new car tells me the temperature the second I get in it in the morning.

February doesn't get any better really. Of course, lucky me, I have a birthday in February. I've always hated a February birthday. When I was a little girl,I always wanted barbecues and ice cream cake - two things I could never have. And god forbid my birthday falls on a Sunday, as it does this year. The Super Bowl gets in the way!

Ahh well, Summer will be here before we know it. Until then, we'll wrap ourselves in fleece. There will be four of us trying to juggle things by the time it does arrive, but I'm absolutely sure it will be better than the bleak midwinter!

What keeps you going in Winter?



A Moment Spent Waiting for the Snow

A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Thank you Amanda for your weekly inspiration! What special moments have you had this week?!



With a Heavy Heart

There are moments in life that you will remember always...some are the pause and savor kind, like the ones we post on Fridays, while others are the kind you would rather look away from. My little town appears to be quite on the map this week. We lost a soldier, a young man, Private Benjamin Moore. His body was returned to Bordentown today via a motorcade. He was killed overseas in Afghanistan while driving a truck past an IED. He was young, in his 20s. I did not know him, but his story and the events surrounding his funeral have touched the lives of many of the locals here.

You see, the Westboro Baptist Church is sending it's brigades to my small town to protest this poor boy's funeral. What's even more profound is the support from everyone who has even heard of Ben to come to town to shield Ben's family from these protestors.

As a mother of a little boy, I can only imagine how the Moore family feels. While Ben is not two and a half, he is still and will always be their little boy. My heart weeps for them.

On Saturday morning, the events will happen. Ben will be honored at a local church. Anti-protestors will line the streets shading the family and funeral goers. Ben will go out with the greatest respect. Please keep the Moore family in your thoughts this weekend.



Half Way There - 20 Weeks Pregnant

Last time, it all went so smoothly. I was hardly sick at all, had no complications, even went camping just a week before Patrick came into this world, and then my water broke mysteriously at 37 weeks. It wasn't really a big deal and it ended with a nice surprise on a great date: 8/8/08.

This time, it's been quite different. I spent many weeks very sick. I still can't bring myself to eat much meat at all. And I still can't shake the yuk of early pregnancy, even now that I'm halfway through.

Today, we got a sneak peak at baby. Like last time, we left the sex a surprise. It was such an incredible reward last time, we wanted to do it again this time. My biggest concern, oddly enough, was the baby's heart. In the past few years, I've followed quite a few blogs, and it seems that several of the bloggers I've always followed, for one reason or another, get pregnant, and then find out they have some kind of heart issue. My thoughts go out to each and every one of them daily. For me, I thought it was some kind of sign. Perhaps a get to know the issues because you are up next kind of thing. So it was quite a relief when they told me that the heart looks healthy.

Of course, the day kept me on my toes, with a sick toddler, juggling a half day teaching at school, and having to make that ultrasound at 3:30...I reminded myself gently, God never gives us more than we can handle.

So I suppose I can handle the latest curveball as well. I know it might sound trivial, but it's a big deal to me. I have been diagnosed with Placenta Previa and put on pelvic rest. What does this mean? Well for one, hopefully it will move in the next 4 months...and I have until early April to see some progress...What could it mean? It could mean potential for cesarean section, my biggest fear.

With Patrick, when my water broke, I should have been doomed..I beat the statistic! My labor wasn't progressing, I needed some help along, but my doctor told me after the fact that most women who end up in my position do end up with a section. I'm glad I did it!

So now what? Please send my placenta some good moving vibes! I want a good shot at having this baby vaginally! I'd love to hear any of your stories about Placenta Previa! In the mean time, let's hope it moves!



A Snowy Day Moment

Just a moment from this week, to savor and always remember...Thanks Amanda for the inspiration every week!

What's your moment this week?

PS Stop back tomorrow for some baby news!



An Apple Pie Moment

Keeping with the making theme...a moment from our lives...to remember always...no words, just a picture. Thanks Amanda Soule for your inspiration! What moments do you have to share?



Handmade Christmas - Day 4

My dear friend Elise once made me a table runner for Christmas. It is red and green and comes to a triangular point at the ends and has little bells that dangle from little ribbons. I've treasured it for many years as it finds its spot on top of an old chest that we have each year at the holidays. It really is stunning! So when I thought about what to make for my Aunt and Uncle, I knew they'd very much appreciate one!

This one is very different than the one my friend made for me. The color scheme seems appropriate for all of winter's woes, and not just Christmas. I also used a classic chevron pattern to create the depth and design of this runner!

I'm excited to go visit in the coming months to find this adorning their coffee table. I'm sure it will look just as good there as it does on our own! Perhaps this should be on my agenda for home now that the holidays have calmed down a bit!

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Handmade Christmas - Day 3

We've found ourselves frequenting the library more and more these days with our little guy. I've found myself thinking he needs his *own* bag to carry books, not just one of ours. So when the idea struck, I figured that some of very favorite little cousins might also like their own library bags!

These bags are great! They not only serve the purpose of carrying books to and from the library, but perhaps you need a kidsize grocery bag to carry toys to a friend's house, or even actually using it at the supermarket to make them feel included! These bags, while I call them "Library Bags", are so much more useful than the library!

Hopefully they'll get much use in the future!

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Handmade Christmas - Day 2

She lost her first tooth fairly recently..so it didn't take me long to think that Emma might like a little something special to leave her teeth for the tooth fairy!

Everyone needs a cute little tooth fairy pillow. It will keep your teeth safe and sound until she makes a visit to you! This one is made of wool felt and features the tiniest little pocket on the back to hold your tooth AND treasure! Of course, it also needed some character as well!

I'm sure it will serve Emma well as the remainder of her teeth begin to fall out! Perhaps she may even pass it on to her brother!

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Handmade Christmas - Day 1

Every year, I rather pride myself on handmaking gifts for my family members. I don't really do it for my husband, although I've gotten into the tradition of making a photo album for them on Snapfish, which required me to dig through 1200 photos that I've taken in the past year to document my little guys life! Can you even imagine what next year will be like with a new little one on the way in May?!

Anyway, I'd like to spend this week sharing some of the homemade things I've put together for the holiday...Yes, it's January, but put them away for next year! They might help you out!

DSLR Cameras seem to be up and coming these days, no? It seems like I've had mine forever, but family members are starting to get in on the game now too! It's very cool because I can share with them what I've learned so far and encourage them to try different things. I even found myself lending out lenses on Christmas to other Canon users to try. Neat stuff!

Anyway, a few years ago, I found an interesting tutorial for turning YOUR Canon strap into a personalized one! I took the time to take my Canon strap apart to save the hardware and use it on a new one, thinking all the while, why can't I just get this stuff and make it from scratch?!

Well I did. Not without a little tweaking. I had to add a thicker interfacing in these than I did in my own to give it some stability. I also still think I need a better nylon webbing that the one I've currently got, but for now, this works! I've ordered several widths and pieces and I think I finally nailed it down.

I made these two straps for my cousins who had previously told me their favorite colors. They were both thrilled to see that I'd put this together for them. One of them was even too timid to ask me to make one! So I'm thrilled they were a hit!

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