
Crafting Out of Necessity

I'm not sure exactly what bit me lately. Perhaps it was Amanda's new book, the cool Autumn weather, or even possibly other bloggers, but I've been busy up in my sewing room! I've really grabbed onto the concept of crafting out of necessity, meaning making things that we NEED around here - or someone else!

Last week, my coworker Wendy mentioned in passing that she really needed a pencil case. She would be traveling from class to class this year, and keeping track of necessities was often difficult. Having worked with her for several years, I think I know what kind of things Wendy likes. Knowing she was a beach lover and that I happened to have some Heather Ross Mendocino mermaid fabric on hand, I went home that night and made her a personalized pencil case!

The gears have been moving ever since!



And it Ends with a Rainbow

Every year, Joe and I trek to Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania for some hiking and fondue on Yom Kippur, our way of celebrating the day off. Unfortunately, we found out enroute that The Melting Pot has moved, but we still made the best of the day and enjoyed some time along the Wissahickon before heading to a new place for dinner.

Signs of fall were all over.

With a beautiful day behind us, the sky clouded over and by 5 o'clock, I was surprised it was so dark. Only moments later, the skies opened up, leaving us blocks from the car. Joe was a good sport and left me at the restaurant to go get the car. Soaked to the bone, he arrived a few minutes later, and we rushed to the car. The ride home was complete with a beautiful complete rainbow, with the sun shining behind us as we followed the storm. Even with the rain, it still had a perfect ending to a perfect day!

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September 17th? Already?

I swear, the last time I looked, it was like July! September took off with a whirlwind and Autumn is sneaking up on me! I don't know how this quite happened either! School has been going well. I had a much easier time sending Patrick back to daycare knowing that I was comfortable with our babysitter. He had no problems adjusting. Imagine all the new toys and other kids to play with! He loves it!

We've been trying to balance our time and still get outside walks in. Before long, the winter will set in and walks will be scarce. I'm kind of hoping he'll be walking soon. Afterall, Halloween is just around the corner, and he'd really love it if he could walk! I'd also like to take him to the playground and do more than swing or slide before the weather sets in!

Anyway, off to finish getting ready for my next class. I promise new pictures soon!

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Oh Summer, Where Did You Go?

Gone so fast..last I remember, we were sitting down in the park on the Fourth of July..and here we are, September 1st!!!! How did that happen? It seems it happens every year. This year, more than ever, I think I'm feeling it. My little man turned one almost a month ago, and somehow, I thought when I'd stepped out the door of school at the end of June that I'd see him walk by the time I walked back in. Not so! He's shown me, that's for sure! I'll miss the summer days of swimming in the pool, taking walks in the heat, enjoying the deck. It seems that summer left in quite a hurry as well, weather wise. All of a sudden, it feels more like Fall. For as much as I love buying new school clothes, and the bustle of a new classroom buzz, I still think I'd love being home with Patrick more. Oh Summer, where did you go?


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