
Happy Monday!! You know what that means?


I swear, it's the MOST bizarre thing! I'm not sure how my body just KNOWS, but it does. It's the Sunday Night/Monday Morning sickies..and it happens EVERY WEEK!

Now that I'm nearly at 14 weeks, I'm hoping it disappears soon, because it's getting old!!

My love of carbs is somewhat coming back..not completely..and then, like last night, when I ate raviolis and they didn't stay..it makes me wonder if I should just stay away for a while yet :/

Maybe next Monday we'll beat it! At least it only lasts until I leave for work, you know?




So it seems as if it's one thing after another around these parts. My neighbor Barb, who many of you know as my harsh neighbor with mannerisms reminiscent of my mom taken to the extreme, passed away this past weekend. She was 72 years old and her body just gave out. Her wake was slated for Tuesday. Having Monday off, I thought my body was in the process of tricking me, pulling the Monday Morning Sickness on me as usual. This was, by far, not the case, as I realized when lunch wouldn't stay down, and by the time school ended, I was running a fever, thinking I was going to die. Yes! A Stomach virus! One more thing in my crazy world! I called out for Wednesday, and didn't make it to Tuesday's wake. Thankfully, it was a quick 24 hour kind of virus because by Wednesday morning, I was feeling considerably better, up to the task of the viewing and service. I took off for a reason after all! Joe borrowed my car so I took his (which is on it's last leg, leaking coolant by the gallon these days!) When I got home, I put his keys in my pocket and didn't think anything of it. Of course, when he got home, we needed to return a video so we hopped into MY VW. Not 2 minutes up the road, my battery light glows an ominous red.

No..not today, I think! We need to get to Brian's Wedding this weekend..nearly by THE PALISADES! The VW dealer is open until midnight! Yes! Great idea! It's now 8:15, and Joe and I are rushing to the dealer, only to find out that the problem is ultimately my alternator, which is NOT in stock! Great! Thankfully, the great guy at the VW dealer takes care of me after I plead my sorry little story. He gives us a loaner! "On the house!" (yes of course, when it's going to cost 650-700 for an alternator, one night with a Passat loaner is really NOTHING to a dealer, right?) At least I've got a car. (Little does dealer guy realize, my extended warrantee covers alternators, which is good, because I was starting to feel ripped off by this stupid service plan they pushed on me at the Chevy dealer where I bought it.)

This morning, I realize that my work keys are in MY VW. Ahh well, no big deal. I drive to work..only to have Joe call as I arrive in Mount Laurel. His Keys Are In MY POCKET! Boy did I feel like an ass! Thankfully, Joe was very understanding. He was able to call someone for a ride to work. My VW is getting repaired as we speak. We'll be able to make it to the wedding festivities for the entire weekend!

Now, if the weather will just hold out for us?! Please ! Think Good Thoughts!



Valentine's Day Thoughts

Perhaps just a small gift this year..yes, Fruit Tart from Wegmans, the perfectly appreciated gift for Joey. It's a year when I've got all that I could ever want, growing right inside of me, but still, I can't forget who I am, nor who he is. We went out to eat, at one of few places my stomach can tolerate these days. Joe did something very special.

It may only be a CD, but it shows that he's been paying attention to the little details, the passing "ooh, i like that song!" when I see the commercial, but it really made my day knowing he had thought of that and went looking for the CD! ahh, such love!



So Much Love

Today was the Nuschal Translucency Scan. Basically, it's an ultrasound that, combined with a blood sample, determines your odds of trisomy defect or downs syndrome. Of course, it's been 4 weeks, which leads me to worry about what's going on inside me. I haven't seen this baby since then and of course, the worst runs through your mind! Thankfully everything was fine! The baby's heartbeat measured 160 BPM. It is actually measuring a week ahead of schedule at this point (and it was at the last appointment as well). I don't have official results on the NT scan yet. I think it really hit Joe today that it's a BABY in there! We watched it bounce around quite a bit. We saw all four limbs and little hands, and a nose and face. We saw the heart beat again as well...Here is a picture of our adventure today! Enjoy!



How Are You Feeling?

That phrase seems to be the theme of my life lately. Tell the world that you are pregnant, and all of a sudden, everyone at work, everyone in your neighborhood, well...EVERYONE asks you all the time "So how are you feeling?!" I don't mind being honest, telling them the gorey details of Sunday's all nighter morning sickness extravaganza..I mean, hey, they asked, right? At least it's just an evening and weekend affair, although I was a bit worried on Monday morning when even water would not stay down. The thought of being out a second Monday in a row just annoyed me. I packed my things, some cheerios, my one and only soda a day, the covetted AM soda, and two plastic bags in case my body decided to disagree with me on the way to work. I was OK, thankfully...but I'm hoping this whole business leaves sooner than later. It's really not much fun!


© 2003 - 2010 Caroline Conroy. Please do not steal!