
Here's to you Dad....

It may have been quite a while..and I may not have gotten to show you that I still cared..but I did. You need to know that..and I think you do now...

I know you waited for me..and I know that you couldn't let go knowing that we were there..and I'm OK with that. I love you..even though you may not have believed it. I'm glad that I got to the hospital in time..I'm glad that I was there...and I wouldn't trade that time for anything in the whole world..

So thanks Dad..Thanks for waiting for me...I hope that you are at peace with the world...and you're with Mom..and everything is OK..because you need to know that everything is OK here..



Creativity Abound!!

For quite some time, I've felt as if I've been stuck in a creative slump. I honestly thought for a while that it might be permanent! Somewhere deep inside though, I had a feeling it might return. A friend of mine has this great book.

The Seven Secrets of Highly Creative Women

Somewhere inside its pages, I remember reading that creativity comes and goes in cycles. I tucked that little notion into the back of my mind and life went on.

Not only that, but I've recently discovered the world of craft bloggers! Oh, the creativity! Such beautiful things out there! So inspiring!

As many of you know, Halloween costumes are an annual tradition for me. This year, however, they've done much more. Those costumes have gotten me into my studio, doing more sewing, being more creative. I've even started making some Christmas gifts! So for now, I'll treasure this new found interest in crafting again..and hope that it hangs around for a while!


© 2003 - 2010 Caroline Conroy. Please do not steal!