
Just a side note

My horoscope for today..I really love MSN horoscope sometimes..It just speaks worlds..today is one of those days ;)

November 22, 2006
You tend to be unconventional by nature, Caroline, but today you could outdo even yourself. A spiritual experience could be at the heart of what's happening. You're changing, in a way obvious to everyone around you. If they're confused, don't worry about it. The problem is more that you'll be confused. Think of yourself as a caterpillar becoming a butterfly! The transition may be uncomfortable, but in the end the butterfly is far lovelier than the caterpillar!

Now back to your regularly scheduled day! Hope it's HALF as good as mine..get it ahah, half day :) :)


Is it too early for Christmas yet?

I know, I know..Thanksgiving should count for something. But for some reason, this year, I'm having this overwhelming urge to pull out all my Christmas decorations and give it a go THIS weekend. I've thus resisted and just managed to put all of my Halloween junk into a box, but oh how I'd like to bust out some pretty lights..so instead, I'm mellowing out to some great Christmas tunes..corny ehh?? It's a good CD! I swear! I got it from Bath and Body Works last year..even Bare Naked Ladies and Melissa Etheridge are on it..really..it's good stuff!!

Three days of school this week and a fun-filled holiday weekend..does it get any better?


Boston was the much needed release..and now back to your regularly scheduled program

I can't even begin to tell you how much fun we had in Boston this weekend. It was insane! My stomach actually aches from all the laughing I did. I saw some old friends that I haven't seen in over two years, since Phish's last run actually! We did some serious hanging out amidst some walking around the city.

The Crew

Aren't we just the rockstars?

Then it started to rain, and we had to come home - five hours of driving in the rain..DRIVING RAIN at that! It wouldn't have been so bad, but the week had me mulling. why? Well..let's start with National Education Week..that means 3 days, where parents are in my classroom, for 2 hours, observing my teaching. Then, report cards were due yesterday. Did I mention that conferences start tomorrow afternoon? Oh, and my cats have fleas..and maybe that's why Denali is chewing his skin off!

I can't tell you how difficult it is to be on your game, for three days, while teaching new content. I mean really, what the heck do I know about the Mayans? I'm learning too!! Who knows what parents are walking into my classroom that just might know something, anything about those Mayans that I don't know..and then I've got to be on my game? With all this going on IN ONE WEEK? Now come on, it's a bit much if you ask me.

I go to bed early with the anticipation that my week will soon be over and before I know it, Thanksgiving will be here, and we'll once again get some much needed R and R. Until then, pray that I keep my sanity, ok?


Atlantic City? NO! Boston! Of course!

So today marks the annual start of the NJEA Teacher's Convention in Atlantic City. Yeah, I know, maybe I should be there. But to be honest, I've spent the last three days doing a multitude of professional development in everything from Responsive Classroom to Reader's Workshop. I spent my day catching up on all those little things that go on in one's household. You know, the stupid little things that pile up that really shouldn't take that long to do, if you just did them? I installed some hooks, painted some trim, raked some leaves, repotted some plants, and painted the stairs in the back stairwell. The holidays are coming, I minas well make the house look really nice, ehh?

Tomorrow, Joe and I head to Boston to see some dear old friends. We'll be visiting Adam for his book release party/showcase of photography at the New England School of Photography. Not only do we get to see Adam, but we also get to see the famous Nick from Canada and the beautiful Niki, not to mention Chip and Marisa! It's going to be a grand weekend spending time in New England in the Fall. I've been looking forward to this forever it seems.


Why can't we have normal cats?

Why? I just want to know what's so difficult about getting a normal cat without some kind of issues. First, it was Katie and her digestive issues that had us at the vet at least once a month before I figured out how to make her own food. She's now quite healthy and playful, but just as I feel confident about her, Denali is on the fritz. Not that he was ever normal to begin with, he does occassionally have seizures. The thing is, he's developing sores on his back. We aren't sure if it's attack of the Butterball or if it's some other kind of disease. He seems to be losing weight too. Now, of course, my first thoughts are a dread fear of losing him. I honestly don't know how Joey would cope. He's never had a "real" pet, and he hasn't dealt with losing one, muchless a cat like Denali that he has such a deep connection with. Keep our kitty in your thoughts please. It's time to set up a vet appointment :(



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© 2003 - 2010 Caroline Conroy. Please do not steal!