Well, a few good storms lately and we thought we were through it all..until today. It began to get windy late this afternoon, and I could see the storm off in the distance. Joe and I decided to go for a walk to watch it roll in off the creek. I honestly thought a tornado was going to roll in when the winds really picked up! Our walk back led to a soaking wet and giggling me, although it was a little scary.
As we were sitting on the couch, Joe stands up and declares that he heard something break..glass..I walk into the kitchen, no such thing..I go up and check my studio, nope..I ended up making dinner and Joe asked if we should eat outside because the storm had passed. I said no because everything was wet.
After dinner, we decided to go outside. I wanted to feed the fish, and I walk out the door and around the back, first noticing the carpet on the deck in a pile, completely oblivious to the fact that our patio table is missing?
Yeah..holy batman storm..picked up our patio table, umbrella and all, and dumped it in the neighbors yard, shattering the glass top! Thankfully the umbrella was OK. We had a bit of glass to clean up, and I did some research only to find out that replacing the glass would cost an exuberant amount of money and it was cheaper to explore other options. At first, I was thinking I could mosaic the top. How hard would that be? A piece of wood, a bunch of tile, and whala, a piece of art!
That is, until we ventured into tile territory at Lowes and sauntered past the patio furniture. Who can beat $37.50 for a new half price patio table that you put your choice of tiles in? After about an hour of putting together, we have a new table..doesn't quite match, but it compliments the old set nicely..