This is what happens when teaching wears you out. You suddenly open the freezer and there is nothing to scrape together for dinner..cept maybe a few hamburgers and by the end of September, we are just about hamburgered out (at least until we get our new grill!) So it was Chef Boyardee Pizza..
Yes..I know what you are all thinking...DO THEY STILL MAKE THAT STUFF???
Sure enough, they do! Joe and I pick it up every once in a while out of pure novelty from our childhood days. I remember a time when I was a kid, in fact, it was the very first time Emmett Otter's Jugband Christmas ever aired on HBO. It was a special event in my house. We were all looking forward to it, making pizza and watching the movie..
That is..until the power went out..
Well, that wasn't the end of the world! We still had time before Emmett Otter. Our oven was gas and we could still make the pizza! So by the light of a lantern, we prepared our pizza and went to put it in the oven. Ovens don't work when they are electrically started! Doh!
Lucky for us, the power came back on not much later. We managed to cook up our pizza and watch Emmett Otter..Oh the good old days ;)