
So the past two days have been a little wacky at school. I kept thinking "These are NOT my children!" They are a loud little bunch of children who vaguely resemble last years class on a daily basis..I couldn't figure it out. Before Religion today, I turned off the lights, made them sit up right, close their eyes, hands on desk, and just breath. Deep Breath.. Imagine the most relaxing place you've ever been. Breath..deep Breath...just to calm them down. Did it do it?? Did they listen while I handed out supplies a half hour later for a Science experiment? Certainly NOT! I was so happy that I was able to go to a professional day tomorrow..

Then..I come home..read someone else's blog, only to find out that it's a full moon..

God Damn! I should have known!!


So last night we trekked down to Asbury Park, ghost town of shore wonders, to see Amfibian at the SP. What a blast it was! Not too many folks..Enough to have fun, a few good friends, and a great evening! Seeing Tom Marshall use markers for things they shouldn't be used for is even more amusing..Anyway, back to the druel of life tomorrow..but alas, its only a four day week! The first of the next two weeks!! Live Music Rocks! This Friday, its more Amfibian, and then NEXT week, its WILCO!



It was just yesterday that my sexy new jeans and great fall sweater arrived in the mail from Lands End. I distinctly remember Joe laughing about how it wasn't quite sweater weather yet..

oh yeah?

who's laughing now? :)


I feel like my summer was hijacked..gone..in a daze..and now i'm trying to get back into routine..it's amazing what a haze will do to you..come see my garden!! sadly, it has been neglected because of the damn haze..and now I have to dig it out and resuscitate it..sorry little thing! sometimes, I wish I had a normal summer..but summer is still summer..and at least there is the beach!!


I remember so vividly, sitting in front of the computer the morning of 9/11/2001 when I saw Fara's first post about the World Trade Center. Having no TV and no radio, and having just moved into our first apartment, I tried desperately to get my clock radio to broadcast something about the events while I browsed CNN on a very slow modem. I remember it vividly, feeling lost, feeling the need to understand what was going on. I walked to the rental office and sat down on the couches there, where I watched in shock.

Three years later, I'm in a different place and space in life. I'm living a better life. I own a home, I have three cats, I have an amazing job. It's amazing where three years can take you. But, as I woke up this morning, I went to CNN.com and TIME.com, and saw reminders of the carnage that was that day. No matter where you are today, it doesn't take away what happened three years ago. Take a moment to remember the victims of 9/11. Take a moment to keep them in your thoughts in prayers. I know I will..


School starts tomorrow. My last post may have seemed a little cryptic..and it was..i'm sorry for that. It was just an incident that just makes you realize that you should never EVER take life for granted. The world teaches you lessons in funny ways. These past two days have been wierd..but its ok. I can't believe the summer is officially over..one last jaunt at the beach on Saturday and i'm smiling about that at least! Enjoy the week!


Sometimes, I think God likes to test my mental strength. Some of the things I've seen should not be seen by anyone, ever. Noone should have to go through the mental process of some of these messed up things. May you ever have the light to never have to see what I've seen.

© 2003 - 2010 Caroline Conroy. Please do not steal!