
So the other day I attempted to write this really long post and when I went to post it, it somehow got eaten by cyberspace! Well, you can't just rewrite it, so I wrote another one, about something different..that too got eaten! I couldn't do it again, so I left it alone and now I'm back, hoping that it doesn't eat this one too!

So we've been busting our ass on the house lately. The bedroom is a nice shade of green, the attic is a nice shade of PURPLE, and now I'm digging out in the dirt. I have this constant reminder that Ken and Mary are just there to badger my life with hatred.

Ken and Mary are the couple we bought the house from and I've felt like I've spent the last six months cleaning up after Ken and Mary..whenever something is broke, its a "Ken and Mary". The garden is just full of "Ken and Mary"s, like the plastic "weed" sheathing under everything (ahem, did they NOTICE the weeds after the plastic thing didnt WORK!?!?) and the plastic rimming around everything. It looks cheap and now I am digging through rocks to put them on the side of my house so that I don't have to look at them in my garden just looking cheap!! It has been one thing after another, and probably only silly little things. I can't imagine what other people find in their places that outdo our little Ken and Marys.

All in good time, it gets done...In the meantime, I'll just spend time cursing off Ken and Mary ;)

On another note, we've been looking at patio furniture lately. Can I just say that patio companies are one big RIP OFF! We don't want anything extravagant really, just something nice!! We went to "Patio World" and gauked at the exhuberant prices of patio furniture. I can't imagine paying those prices..It's looking like a Target special for us..but that isn't so bad, its just cheaper!!!

Happy Leap Year! It feels like a day that doesn't exist! We should get Monday off for this :)


You know what sucks? When you write a really long blog that you really like and you hit the wrong button and its gone..just like that! It can't come back, no! It fell into the void. Rewriting it would be an atrocity..but I can sum it up in one sentence and then I'll move on to another story:

I hate February!

Ok, so more painting adventures! Sounds like fun? Last Thursday, I sat in the bedroom pulling at this little tiny flap of wallpaper that has been coming off gradually. I pushed it over the edge and the next thing you know, RIIIIIIIIP! Oh no, what do I do now? The inlaws are coming, my brother is coming, and now its going to be a work in progress rather than a "we have to do this room soon". Oh man, how sad! I couldn't let that be and the wallpaper took over like some kind of phantom! I was possessed! By the time 10 oclock rolled around, five hours later, I had 3 out of four walls done..

Friday afternoon: Quick, leave school, go to Loews and buy some nice green paint. After all, it was my choice! Head home to finish that last wall. Run to the supermarket. Come back. Spend a few hours painting. By 10 oclock that night, it was done..

I felt like a superhero of wallpaper removal! It wasn't this easy with the other room! I still can't even understand how it was THAT absolutely easy..there is NO explanation for it. But alas, its done.
I think its just February that I really hate. I've always hated the month to be quite honest. When I was a kid, I wished that I was born in the summer time like my brother so that I could have a barbeque and some ice cream cake. Luckily, my parents did on occassion make the sacrifice of a barbeque in February for me! I remember joking with my mother as a child about switching birthdays. I could be happy in July and she could have February.
I haven't changed on that note one bit. I hate February more than any other month! Its cold and miserable and its not like the other cold months. First you have November, which isn't REALLY cold..its starting to get there, and you certainly aren't tired of it yet. Then, you get December, and within a blink of the eye, its gone! December succumbs to the holiday season. January is next, and by the time you recover from Christmas and ooh and ahh over the snow and the joy of snow days, January disappears too! Then it slams you! February grabs you by the back of your coat tails and all of a sudden, you're in for the long haul yearning for Spring to come!
Good springy signs are happening tho. My brother said over the weekend that you shouldn't uproot a garden for one full year from the time you move in. We've been here since August, by the time summer rolls around, I am going to continue "De Mary and Ken - ifying" the yard! I did, however, notice some little sprouts on the side of the house, perhaps some crocus? It would be just like Mary and Ken to do something so stupid as to drop a load of rocks into what could potentially be a really pretty little garden place!
Ahh well, onward we move..one more week, can it come quick enough?


Why can't the warmer weather just come quicker? I know, my last post begged for snow...but all I REALLY wanted was the day off..now, I just want the warmer weather to come :) Ahh well..soon enough I guess ;) 6 months ago I started work and in six months, I'll be floating down the Delaware in a tube! Sounds good right??

On another note..we painted another room..


yes..joey always said we'd have a purple room...I didn't believe him but its absolutely the most incredible room! It came out the best out of all the projects so far..certainly a quirk ;)

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