
So You Think You're a Doctor Ehh?

"Do you have a medical background?"

Yup...that's what this weeks attending physician asked me after rounds this morning. Apparently I come off as very well versed about what is going on with her. Google is my friend. I told him that I was a teacher, and that I read when someone tells me something, and it helps me to digest what is going on with our Maura. I told him that I read the stories...I read the medical articles...I take it all with a grain of salt as I try to process it all. I told him that I talked to the neurologist this morning and how we don't really think the new drug, Dilantin, is not ideal for her to be taking long term, although it appears to have stopped the seizures yet again...and that they need to be looking at something else, possibly Topamax, which isn't approved for newborn use right now but has similar uses to Dilantin. I told them that she never desats when I nurse her and she's consistent between 98 and 100 saturation. This seizure business only happens at night with critically low sats. The dips in sats that >I< see are all easily recovered from.

I think the doctors like me. I'm patient. I'm not freaking out. I'm human. And I ask questions, research, and try to understand such an incredibly complex situation with grace and style. I don't impose my "medical opinion" on them. I just want to be aware of what exactly they are doing to my baby, and what they are pumping into her.

Last night, after they put her on the EEG, she had an incident around 10:00. The doctor called at midnight explaining the change in plan, with the new drug. Nobody told me they'd be putting another IV into her. I'm told it won't be there long. They gave her a bolus of the new drug. Bolus - a new word I've learned. It means a loading dose, apparently larger than usual. I heard the word often in regards to my own IVs over in Labor and Delivery. If they switch her drug, they'll have to do another bolus I can assume. Hopefully, they've got it right..hopefully she will be observed seizure free...and not pull a last minute stunt that she's quickly becoming notorious for. Then, and only then, can our little sweet Maura come home.

In the meantime, we cross our fingers. We pray. We hope that she'll stay seizure free. Please keep Maura in your thoughts today! Thank you for checking in!

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Blogger learningtable said...

Saying a prayer here for your precious little one!

16/5/11 7:46 PM  
Blogger Caroline said...

thank you so much!@ Every prayer counts and we appreciate them all!

17/5/11 2:59 PM  
Blogger Kerrie said...

I'm still praying! Hoping Maura can come home soon, seizure-free. :)

17/5/11 7:32 PM  
Blogger Caroline said...

Thanks Kerrie! I hope your pregnancy is going well! You inspired me to make booties! Several pairs! :) And I've even started knitting a sweater for her!!

17/5/11 7:42 PM  

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