The Most Perfect Day!!!

You guys, I'm about to cry. I just nursed my baby for OVER AN HOUR! I can't tell you how excited I am! She totally took right back to latching and had NO PROBLEM!

As long as I'm here, she can nurse and doesn't need the feeding tube. They are just keeping it in to make sure she's OK for now...but they are slated to take it out as soon as she gives the "ok"!
They are just making sure her phenobarbital levels are OK, and she won't be getting it via IV anymore, since they took THAT out when I got here this morning. She'll be getting it orally at 8am and 8pm...and she'll get it for about 6 weeks...they'll let her naturally wean off it as she grows without adjusting the dosage.

I really pushed to nurse...and they really let me because I'm an experienced nursing mom. They said they'd be more hesitant if I was a new mom who hadn't done it before...just because of the unsurity of it all...So I'll nurse her one more time today before heading home and as long as I'm here, I can nurse my baby!
Tomorrow, I'm going to push for a date to go home...and I'm really hoping it will be by the end of the weekend at the latest! They don't really seem to want to keep her here if they don't have to!!
Labels: Maura Fern, NICU
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