Maura - Saturday Edition

So not much today. We were here for rounds this morning and they've got her on a new drug: Keppra, which is used in conjunction with the phenobarbital to prevent seizures. They feel like she's still having some mild seizure activity, basically she'll desat and then she'll be wide awake staring off into space. So they added the Keppra.
She's hitting all of her other milestones that they want to see like a champ, now they just want her seizure free for +/- 5 days. This isn't the doctor we've seen regularly for rounds all week, and she said some others might disagree...but she thinks if we've got that, then she'll be safe to go home.

Maura has great "output" when it comes to breastfeeding, so that's awesome! She still won't take a bottle, but we've already debunked the necessity for that. She'll just get whatever she needs via feeding tube and they will continue to try to give her a bottle without really pushing the notion of it. She also gets her meds via feeding tube, so for right now, having it isn't a bad thing...
So, one day next week, and I'm sure we'll talk more on Monday with the weekday team, I'll be staying the night here at CHOP to shoot for 24 hours of mom feeds. Joe and I did the infant CPR class today here at CHOP. We still need to watch two short videos.
Joe is planning, as of right now, to head back to work on Monday. Me too....JUST KIDDING!! I'll be coming here to CHOP during the day and Joe might come at night to see her, but has no intention of skipping more than a day in seeing her.
In the meantime, we need the Maura Cheerleaders to keep rooting for 5 days of seizure free! (We've don'e 4, so let's up it by 1 or more!)
It's looking like mid/end week for now...if we get lucky earlier, that would be great! If not, that's ok too...the last thing I'd ever want is to take home a baby who stops breathing!
Labels: Maura Fern, NICU
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