
NG Tube is a Go!

Today Joe and I took a class to learn how to insert the G-tube on Miss Maura. We don't intend to keep it long term, and it was more something that I requested, rather than something that was offered. Maura is still a peanut. Today, she weighed 6 lbs 8 oz, just a few oz more than birthweight.

Our concern with Maura is that when we do eventually take her home, between the phenobarbital and the post ictal state of a seizure, Maura is often very tired. This means she's hard to rouse and won't eat. We have enough problems. We don't ever want to hear the term "Failure to Thrive" come into play.

I'm a huge advocate for nursing my baby. I'm very proud of the fact that Maura is 26 days old and still has never had anything in her precious little belly but breastmilk. She has a great latch, but a poor suck. I don't care how she gets my milk, as long as she does. I want her to grow...to grow out of these seizures.

If that means that Joe and I need to be pushed a little past our comfort level to do it, then that's what needs to be done. Joe and I are becoming regular old pros at this preemie with seizure business! I just wish we were in a different business!

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Blogger Elizabeth said...

hi, here via soulemama. what a gorgeous little sweetpea you have!

i'm sure you've been referred to early intervention (that's my field...)--just wanted to make sure you knew they can help you with feeding and nursing, increasing oral motor planning and strength. go maura!

16/6/11 11:09 PM  
Blogger Caroline said...

Thanks Elizabeth! Yes, they gave us all the information for EI. My husband and I are both teachers, so we'll be taking full advantage! I'm kinda hoping she's still eligible for it when she's 4! I'll get free public preschool ;) but if she isn't, it's obviously very much a blessing I won't take for granted!

17/6/11 8:38 AM  

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