Celebrating Summer - Ice Cream

Happy Solstice to you! I hope your day was magical. I rocked my not so little man to sleep last night as I looked out the window thinking about how the longest day of the year was officially over! So quickly! So it had me thinking...what do we do to celebrate summer?

See this piggy bank? It sits in our dining room. Every time I find change laying around, I put it in this very piggy bank. It weighs quite a bit right now. It's contents? Our ice cream money!

We are lucky enough to live in a town with not one, but TWO ice cream places! Not to mention the other THREE we can ride bikes to! So with the heat sinking in, there is nothing like heading out after dinner with our change purse filled to indulge in a little ice cream.

There is something to be said for the creamy cold refreshment that goes with the lick of the first summer cone. We look forward to more adventures to get ice cream. The walks aren't so bad either ;)
Labels: Celebrating Summer, Seasons
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