
Crossing T's and Dotting I's

Well she'll be staying the weekend, and we are shooting for early next week for discharge. The doctors brought it up today, not us. Apparently she's still desating enough that they want to make sure it's not a big deal. They are also still waiting on some lab results and she wouldn't take a bottle for anyone LOL!

They said it would "give her some time to take the bottle better". I turned around and said "What if she NEVER takes the bottle better?" I told them I really didn't have any intention of making her take a bottle at home and that I am an EBFer and that my little guy didn't take a bottle AT ALL until he was 4-5 months old. That said, they suggested I plan to stay over night with her for 24 hours early next week, with notice. When she nurses, she has GREAT output and is pooping/peeing really well, so it's very obvious that nursing is going successfully for me now.

Basically, it's like an IEP...once they let her go, it complicates things in bringing her back GOD FORBID they have to....so they want to wait on a few test results...and send her home when they've crossed ALL the T's and dotted ALL the I's..I get it..

In the meantime, we've got weekend coverage...we're thinking of bringing Patrick for a little while tomorrow morning and then sending him back to Grandma's which is about 20 minutes away. And then Sunday, he'll stay with them too..

MY goal is to get to CHOP early to catch her 9am feed in the morning, and nurse her through her 3 o'clock feed...and they can NG her feeds overnight...and make sure her phenobarb levels are perfect...I'm OK with this, it isn't going to get worse anymore!

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Blogger Kerrie said...

I'm so glad things are looking up and that you'll hopefully be able to take Maura home soon! She is such a sweetie! Been praying for ya... :)

13/5/11 8:39 PM  
Blogger 6512 and growing said...

Came here by way of a comment you left on Beauty that Moves. My first baby was a preemie, 6 years ago, and spent almost 4 months in the NICU. Such a wild ride...the tubes, the pumping, the medications, the waiting...etc..
Wishing you luck and a speedy homecoming.

14/5/11 4:57 PM  

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