My heart grew by so much yesterday! It was quite emotional. Knowing that it was going to be the day...that we were going to be having a baby...was so emotional! Everything happens for a reason, and a day later, I look back reflectively and I can really say I'm so thankful for modern medicine and our decisions that potentially saved our little girl's life.

As they prepped us for the OR, they added another IV port to one of my hands. I really didn't know why they needed two, but I wasn't questioning it. They obviously had their reasons. Now I know. My situation was so dire that they automatically assumed I would be hemorrhaging and would need a blood transfusion. Wow....I'm really glad I didn't know that going in. I was nervous enough!

In the end, I came through like a champ. There were no typical side effects, I didn't shake profusely, all was good...with me...but my baby did not cry when SHE came out. I knew she was out. The pushing had stopped. There was a vague girl reference letting me know that we really had a baby GIRL! But there was no crying. Her cord was wrapped around her in every which way. She was breech, which she hadn't been just 5 hours earlier on the ultrasound, and she was having respiratory distress. I just waited for that cry...and it did eventually come, and I cried tears of joy. SHE was alive. We were going to be just fine.

Maura Fern Conroy was born at 5:56 pm on May 2nd, 2011. She quickly recovered from her respiratory distress and moved in with us at about 10 pm last night and has been with us ever since. She is everything we ever wished for and more.

Today, we had a visit from Grandma and Grandpa and Patrick. After a little warming up, I'm sure we are going to be just fine. Patrick was more than ecstatic to see me.

As they prepped us for the OR, they added another IV port to one of my hands. I really didn't know why they needed two, but I wasn't questioning it. They obviously had their reasons. Now I know. My situation was so dire that they automatically assumed I would be hemorrhaging and would need a blood transfusion. Wow....I'm really glad I didn't know that going in. I was nervous enough!

In the end, I came through like a champ. There were no typical side effects, I didn't shake profusely, all was good...with me...but my baby did not cry when SHE came out. I knew she was out. The pushing had stopped. There was a vague girl reference letting me know that we really had a baby GIRL! But there was no crying. Her cord was wrapped around her in every which way. She was breech, which she hadn't been just 5 hours earlier on the ultrasound, and she was having respiratory distress. I just waited for that cry...and it did eventually come, and I cried tears of joy. SHE was alive. We were going to be just fine.

Maura Fern Conroy was born at 5:56 pm on May 2nd, 2011. She quickly recovered from her respiratory distress and moved in with us at about 10 pm last night and has been with us ever since. She is everything we ever wished for and more.

Today, we had a visit from Grandma and Grandpa and Patrick. After a little warming up, I'm sure we are going to be just fine. Patrick was more than ecstatic to see me.
Labels: Maura Fern, Pregnancy
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