City Wide Yard Sale - Bordentown

It's a day I look forward to all year. What will my plan of attack be? Take the town by bike! Hit up all the streets! There has to be some gems hidden amongst the junk. I got up early, gathered my bike and two bags for treasures, and headed out alone, leaving my little bean with my husband.

Of course, there are two different kinds of shopping...Patrick shopping and me shopping. I scored some tinker toys for Patrick after I'd given up a batch of these at another yard sale the previous week because $15 for a small bin of them seemed rather outrageous. I'm glad I did! They were only $2.00 for TWO whole bins! Nice when that works out! I also scored him some beach toys, which is good considering Dada already broke one of his shovels this summer playing on the beach by accident!

Then, there is me shopping. I have a penchants for linens, boxes, and bottles. This year certainly didn't let me down!
All the handwork that goes into pieces like the following just amaze me. It makes me really sad that people don't want to pass on these gems to their future generations! I treasure my grandmother's own handkerchiefs and sewing, although much of it was left behind and will probably get sold off some day in a twisted turn of fate out of my control...None the less, I appreciate that I can gather these gems and display them in my home.

As I was on my way home, I spotted this gem. I don't know quite what to put in it yet. Perhaps you have some ideas? What would you keep in a coke box? I really love it though! It's got such charm!

Out of all the summer yardsale finds, this day is the best of the bunch. Over 1 square mile, I can hit up 30 or so yard sales. Old towns hide such gems too! Until next year, I'll be dreaming of new finds!
Labels: Bordentown
I love your posts and the pictures too.
The Coca-Cola box is an AMAZING find.
Unfortunately, I missed our villages tag-sale days. Fortunately, there are still sales every weekend. I just need to light a fire under my bum. ;)
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