Organizing the Studio

It was about a year ago when I said "Au revoir!" to my old studio as it turned into Patrick's room. All of its contents made their way into the famous "purple room" to find a new home.
"You can just organize it when the baby gets here!" Joe said to me. Of course, as pregnant as I was, I headed up there that week to at least create a makeshift sewing space that was mine.
It certainly never quite returned to the same glory of having a studio space with 4 glorious windows. It was quaint, functional, but most importantly, my studio recreated.
Well, here I am, 8 months later. The creative bug seemed to have bitten me hardcore lately, and with that, comes the inert urge to really ramp up my studio space. I took out all of my fabric yesterday to organize it by color with the plans to get shelves for it. Having limited space in an attic, I had shelves in mind, but they didn't quite work out. I was stumped. Then it hit me! These shelves are perfect! They can be put in any which way I want!
Now, to find the best source for them.

It was about a year ago when I said "Au revoir!" to my old studio as it turned into Patrick's room. All of its contents made their way into the famous "purple room" to find a new home.
"You can just organize it when the baby gets here!" Joe said to me. Of course, as pregnant as I was, I headed up there that week to at least create a makeshift sewing space that was mine.
It certainly never quite returned to the same glory of having a studio space with 4 glorious windows. It was quaint, functional, but most importantly, my studio recreated.
Well, here I am, 8 months later. The creative bug seemed to have bitten me hardcore lately, and with that, comes the inert urge to really ramp up my studio space. I took out all of my fabric yesterday to organize it by color with the plans to get shelves for it. Having limited space in an attic, I had shelves in mind, but they didn't quite work out. I was stumped. Then it hit me! These shelves are perfect! They can be put in any which way I want!
Now, to find the best source for them.
Labels: Crafting
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