
Turtles and Time Spent with the Expecting

Marissa came to visit Patrick and I today! We knew we had crafty time in mind when she came. I remember vividly trying to sew the week before Patrick came. Getting down on the floor to cut fabric wasn't so easy to do. Knowing that, I wasn't expecting her to get down and cut with me. I was happy for the company and the ideas. She wanted a sling, so we were easily able to whip her up one. We also took some time to craft her up a taggie turtle. She said she'd tried, but couldn't get it quite right. How could my friend who loved turtles so very much not have her very own taggie turtle for her expectant little one!?! After some thought, I was able to put one together for her. Of course, she loved it. Hopefully, Q will love it too!



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