
Where do you even begin?

28 years..1 house...2 grown children..Where do we even start to begin? My brother and I headed up to my Dad's house on Sunday with the intention of collecting anything we felt was valuable. At first, I thought there would be certain things we'd take..but we also had to take the DVD player, and the computer, and the camera...you know, the EXPENSIVE stuff...no..no..that's not what we ended up with. Of course, we took the paperwork puzzle..but we took things like jewelry boxes (even though most of the jewelry inside isn't worth much of anything at all!), plants, heirloom pieces, things like that. To us, those are the valuable things. You can obviously replace computers and dvd players, but you can't replace my mom's Suzy doll that she grew up with. You can't replace the handcarved wallhangings from Colombia that were always in the hallway or even my entire collection of baby teeth (however bizarre that might sound! I know who the tooth fairy really is and I've got proof!).

It's going to be a long haul...and not so much physically, but more mentally..to just get through that house. It's our house..and although I may have let go seven years ago when I moved out, it's still the house I grew up in, and everything is still the same.



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