
Nuby Nibbler!

Between teething and exploring solids, Maura has been using the nibbler non-stop lately.  We even took it camping!  You know why?  There's something different about this nibbler.  

It comes with a cover!  Isn't that ingenious?!  We aren't limited to using this nibbler at home anymore.  I can cut up small bits of fruit and bring it with us when we are out and about on the go!  

I also really like the way it opens and closes.  It has a squeeze and twist locking system that's easy for me to open and close it, but difficult for Maura.  Patrick, my 4 year old gadget man, hasn't even figured this one out!  

Something else I really like about this nibbler is that the mesh inserts are really easy to clean.  I've tried mesh feeders in the past and gave up simply because I couldn't get them clean.  This one cleans up really easily.  I can even replace the mesh on them if they get too grungy!  It's a nice option to have.   

It's also really easy for her to grasp with its ergonomic handle.  Maura still has some fine motor issues and this helps a lot.  

We also use it a lot for ice.  Maura seems to break multiple teeth at once.  Of course, we have the typical freezer teethers, but they seem to get soft/warm so easy right now in the summer.  Having the nibbler allows me to add crushed ice to it when she wants it.  I don't mind her having it in the living room either because after all, it's just water!  

You can find the nibbler at the following places:

 I did not receive any compensation for this review, however I did receive samples from Nuby to review!

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