5 Month Streak - Gone in a flash

Five months seems like a lifetime ago. That's how long it's been since Maura's last seizure. Susan, our PT, sat there on the floor as it happened with me and in the quiet, all she said was, "How long has it been?"
It's all that was needed. I was obviously disappointed. Who wouldn't be? Just a day earlier, I'd sat in my OB's office and cried my heart out and said that I truly, in my heart, believed we were done.

I was wrong.
So for the better part of the weekend, we spent our time allowing Maura to rest at home and adjust to her new Keppra dosage as we cautiously go about our lives. Ten seizures later, Maura is spent. Her poor little body is limp and tired. The little girl I know who loves her exersaucer like it's her command center is lounging around sleeping like a newborn. She hasn't smiled at us since Friday. Maura, the girl who I affectionately call Cheeseball, isn't smiling now.
Still, slowly she's coming back. Let's hope for better days ahead. In the meantime, we're still here.
Labels: epilepsy, Maura Fern
oh, I'm so sorry! prayers! :(
I don't remember how I found your blog, but please know that you aren't alone. Seizures suck, and nothing makes you feel more helpless than watching your child have a seizure and counting those seconds or minutes. Know that there are so many of us moms out there, some of us help our children with occasional seizures and some of us have had to deal with more. Whatever level of support you need I hope you find it. I've made some of my dearest friends in dealing with our daughter's rare disease, and hope you have the same support. Kelly in SC
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