
The Emma Tunic

I'm the slowest knitter in the whole world. Have I ever mentioned that? The idea of knitting a sweater befuddles me. I could never find the time! I'd never get it done! So when I vowed to take on the Emma tunic for Maura, I was dead set on getting it done.

I started about a month ago. Then, the other day, I realized that if I didn't kick it into high gear, she might very well grow out of it before I got it on her!

Of course, there is no trying on in a piece like this while it's on the needles...so I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that Maura would indeed be wearing it longer than I expected! It's actually a tad big on her!

I always try to learn a new skill as I try new knitting projects, or at least try to take on new concepts...as a beginning knitter that I am. In this case, I had to add the yoke, which meant casting on at the end of rows, and also using place holders and increases and decreases. While these sound like simple knitting tasks, they were quite a challenge for me! None the less, I feel like I came through them just fine! Don't you agree?



Blogger artbysarada said...

It looks wonderful! As does the wearer! :) I always try to learn something new with each project too, it's such a good feeling to add another trick to the repertoire!

26/9/11 2:40 PM  
Blogger Bending Birches said...

beautiful work!!!!!!!

26/9/11 4:04 PM  
Blogger Kerrie said...

gorgeous! great job! And little Maura is as cute as ever.

26/9/11 4:59 PM  
Blogger Urban Flowerpot said...

Caroline, this is beautiful!!! I can only knit scarves (that's all I learned for anyway) so this is verryyyy fancy to me. Now let's bring on autumn - ready for cooler weather :)

26/9/11 9:11 PM  
Blogger Caroline said...

Oh thanks so much everyone!
Stephanie, I dream of making sweaters someday! I started with baby booties as my off shoot from scarves...you should try it! Make Tristan a pair for winter! You'll learn that if you follow a pattern, it happens...and if a step in the pattern confuses you, Youtube!! You can do it!!

26/9/11 9:52 PM  

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